Eddie Kingston: “I’m Happy But I Still Doubt Myself And I Still Am Insecure About Certain Things”

Eddie Kingston appeared on the first episode of AEW Meal & a Match. Renee Paquette and RJ City host the show, which airs on TBS’ YouTube channel. While eating, they watched two classic AEW matches, and Kingston discussed some aspects of his life and career.

On the last time he cried:

“The last time I cried was when I beat KENTA for the New Japan Strong Openweight Championship in Korakuen Hall…when I first broke in, I didn’t want to wrestle in America. I wanted to do it in Japan because to me the Japanese professional wrestling style fits me better. I wouldn’t say it’s the best but it fits me better. So being able to do it after 22 years of struggling and making a lot of mistakes and a lot of enemies, it just broke me down emotionally because I couldn’t believe it that this was actually real.”

On the affection fans have for him:

“That freaks me out. That’s the other deep part too is that when I do reflect, a lot of times it’s by myself in the hotel room after the show or after a moment. Sometimes I break down because sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve it. That’s one of my curses that I have. It’s such a weird thing that it’s actually happening. Before AEW, I was selling my wrestling stuff to be able to pay my mortgage. At the time I was like, this is it, it’s over. I talked a little sh*t on Cody and they just picked up from there and it’s been a whirlwind but like I said, when I do reflect, I’m happy but I still doubt myself and I still am insecure about certain things. So then I just kind of sit there and go do I really deserve this? I don’t like the compliments. I don’t like people telling me I’m an inspiration and stuff like that because it’s weird because I’m just me. I’m me 24 hours a day.”

You can check out the complete show below:

(h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription)