Former WCW Star Feels The Young Bucks Are Unmotivated In AEW And May Leave For WWE

(Photo Credit: AEW)

As previously reported, AEW has apparently been working on new contracts for The Elite. Former WCW star Konnan discussed The Young Bucks’ future on his podcast.

Konnan said, “They can cut promos. I just don’t think they’re motivated right now. Look at them compared to when the company started — just their body language, attitude, everything … it doesn’t seem like they want to be there. I could be wrong.”

“They’re still building their legacy. They could go to WWE and pop off, you know? They could come in [to WWE] and f—ing tell Cody, ‘Hey, you deserted us.’ Start a storyline there! I would think if WWE brought them in, they would use them wisely because they’re obviously talents.”

You can check out the show below: