Shelton Benjamin Says His Goal Is Still To Become A World Champion

(Photo Credit: WWE)

Pro wrestling veteran Shelton Benjamin recently spoke with the Daily Star on a number of topics including how his goal is still to become a World Champion.

Benjamin said, “To me, that’s why I’m in the business.” “You want to be the best and be at the top. I’ve read so many different rumors where people are giving their opinion or thoughts. The one that really bugs me is I was ‘happy to just be a guy in the back’ and ‘happy to just be on the roster.’ Bulls**t.”

“My goal, when I got there, was to be a tag team champion. Once I achieved that, my goal was, ‘I want to be a world champion.’ Once I started proving to myself and to the world that I can hang with the best in the world, my expectations and goals were always centered around being world champion. I wish people would stop printing or saying otherwise because I’ve never been complacent as far as wanting to be the top guy.”

You can check out Benjamin’s comments in the video below.

(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)