TNA Impact Review – April 4, 2024

TNA Impact Review – April 4, 2024

Non Title Old School Rules Match
X Division Champion Mustafa Ali vs. Rhino

Mustafa Ali sets up a trash can onto Rhino in the corner and hits a Coast 2 Coast for a two count.

Mustafa looks for the Gore on Rhino but Rhino moves out of the way and Ali crashes into the trash can set up in the corner.

We want tables chants and Rhino obliges. Rhino sets up the table against the corner.

Rhino sets up for a Gore but Ali’s security guards interfere but Rhino clears them from the ring.

Rhino goes for the Gore but Ali moves out of the way and Rhino crashes into the table for the win.

Winner: X Division Champion Mustafa Ali

After the match Jake Something throws Ali back in the ring. One of Ali’s security guards interferes and Ali powerbombs him as Ali retreats.

We see a promo for Nic Nemeth vs. Alex Shelley.

Gia Miller is at the entrance stage and introduces Alex Hammerstone for an interview. She talks about him not responding to Josh Alexander’s challenge and asks if he’s afraid of him. He says he has no reason to be afraid of Alexander and he has no reason to fight Alexander. He says Josh goes on and on about fighting him. He says he can make it happen but this time its going to be different. He says this time all the pain is going to feel like child’s play compared to what he’s going to do and it’s going to happen at Rebellion. Hammerstone decks the cameraman and puts Alexander’s head gear on cameraman and puts him in a torture rack.

The Rascalz come out and Trey Miguel says he knows he’s in Philadelphia when he smells it. He says they can now see the best tag team in the world and calls out anyone. FBI’s music plays and Little Guido introduces the new FBI with Zack Clayton & Ray Jaz.

Tag Team Match
The Rascalz (Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel) vs. FBI (Zack Clayton & Ray Jaz)

Outside the ring Myron Reed sprays the paint in Little Guido’s face.

Trey Miguel hits a spinebuster followed by double stomp by Zachary Wentz for the win.

Winners: The Rascalz

Kevin Knight talks about Nemeth vs. Shelley.

We see a vignette for Jonathan Gresham. A person asks Gresham to share his progress and how he’s feeling. Gresham says he’s much better than last time. He says he realises if he wants people to listen then he has to wear a mask. Someone says he’s done with lies.

Gia Miller is backstage with Speedball Mountain and Mike Bailey talks about losing to Eddie Edwards. The System come in and they say they know nothing about being champion. Seven says he & Bailey have the TNA World Tag Team Titles in their sights. He says he will knock out Moose.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Chris Bey

Chris Bey hits a spinning back heel kick followed by an uppercut on Kazarian in the corner and a forearm off the top rope. Bey hits a spinebuster for a two count.

Bey hits a slingshot DDT for a two count then goes for Art Of Finesse but Kazarian gets out of it and Kaz pulls him in for a Slingshot Cutter for a two count.

They’re out on the floor and Kazarian pushes Bey against the ring post.

Kazarian pulls a steel chain from underneath the ring but Ace Austin pulls it away.

Kazarian drops to the floor and the referee sees it and ejects Austin from ringside.

Kazarian hits a low blow while the referee isn’t looking followed by Fade To Black for the win.

Winner: Frankie Kazarian

We see a promo from Masha Slamovich backstage in Russian. Alisha Edwards walks in and says Killer Kelly is gone and offers being her tag partner. Slamovich says nothing and Edwards walks away.

Josh Alexander, Mike Bailey & Trent Seven talk about Nemeth vs. Shelley.

Kon talks about his feud with PCO and says their Monster’s Ball match will be talked for years to come.

Ash By Elegance vs. Xia Brookside

Xia Brookside hits a hurricanrana off the top rope followed by a monkey flip off the corner and Ash By Elegance gets out of the ring.

Ash tries to leave but Brookside brings her back and throws her against the ring post.

George Iceman distracts her and Ash sends her against the steel steps.

Ash throws her back in the ring and gets a two count then hits an elbow drop for a two count.

Ash stomps onto Brookside in the corner before Brookside hits a crossbody for two.

Ash drops her with a clothesline for a two count before Ash gets her in a sleeper followed by a clothesline for a two count.

Ash does a cartwheel followed by a cutter onto Brookside outside the ring.

Ash goes to the top rope but Brookside goes for Brooksy Bomb which Ash fights out of.

Ash floors her with a headscissors and hits a neckbreaker for a two count.

Brookside pulls Ash by Ash grabs onto the apron and kicks Ash away before Brookside gets champagne thrown onto her eyes to get the win.

Winner: Ash By Elegance

ABC are backstage. Austin apologizes for what happened out there but says now they can focus on the TNA World Tag Team Titles. Bey asks why he thinks he isn’t already focused on it. First Class walks in and AJ Francis asks if he’s ever flown 1st class. Bey says he already has.

Backstage Gia Miller is with Steph De Lander & Matt Cardona. Matt Cardona says Steph didn’t need his help. He says they’re in TNA for 3 things, buzz, money and gold. He says he already got gold and now it’s SDL’s turn. Steph says she’s going to solidify her spot in TNA because they’re back.

Nic Nemeth vs. Alex Shelley

Alex Shelley locks in Border City Stretch but Nic Nemeth crawls to the ropes and Shelley breaks the hold.

Shelley pulls him up and Nemeth gnats at his knuckles and gets a school boy for a two count.

Shelley hyperextends his elbow so Nemeth hits a DDT for a two count.

Nemeth goes for a superkick but Shelley catches it but gets it on another try only for a two.

Nemeth goes for a Splash in the corner but Shelley moves out of the way.

Shelley gets a roll up for a two count before Nemeth counters Shell Shocked into Danger Zone for the win.

Winner: Nic Nemeth

Next Week’s Impact

Digital Media Title Match
Crazzy Steve (c) vs. Laredo Kid

Non Title Match
TNA World Champion Moose vs. Trent Seven