Tommy Dreamer Shares His Thoughts On Mercedes Moné’s AEW Debut On Dynamite

ECW original Tommy Dreamer recently made an appearance on an episode of Busted Open Radio, where he talked about a number of topics including Mercedes Moné making her AEW debut on Wednesday’s Big Business episode of Dynamite.

Dreamer said, “I really, really enjoyed it. I was a little shocked that it happened first, but if you kind of think about it, most of these things go long, and if you have a whole show before it, then you have to rely on the person speeding up their debut.”

“Mercedes’ debut was great. They made her like she is – special. She’s been a proven draw when she was in WWE, a proven draw when she went to New Japan, [and] got hurt. Now she’s in AEW. Presentation is everything. The music, nobody knew what it was, who this is coming out until ‘The CEO’ [spelled out on the screen], and then we saw her name. Whoever made the CEO music, I would give them a bonus because it’s now programmed. It’s a chant. No matter what, they’re going to respond.”

You can check out the complete podcast below.