Tommy Dreamer Weighs In On Newly Re-Designed TNA Digital Media Title

“The Innovator of Violence” digs the new gold.

As noted, TNA Wrestling continued their rollout of their newly designed championship title belts, with the unveiling of the brand new TNA Digital Media Championship on Tuesday afternoon.

Following up Monday’s unveiling of the new TNA World Tag-Team Championships to Ace Austin and Chris Bey, TNA Executive Scott D’Amore returned on Tuesday to present Tommy Dreamer with the new TNA Digital Media Championship.

Later in the day, Dreamer took to social media to further comment on the new title belt.

“All I wanted was the belt extender,” he wrote via X in a response to the video on the official TNA Wrestling account unveiling the new second new title belt as part of the new era of TNA. “These new titles are very cool looking.”

Check out the video of Scott D’Amore presenting Tommy Dreamer with the brand new TNA Digital Media Championship title belt via the video embedded below courtesy of TNA Wrestling’s official X account.