Trinity Calls Deonna Purrazzo The Hardest Opponent She Has Faced In Her Career

(Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling)

Newly-crowned IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts World Champion Trinity recently spoke with Sports Illustrated on a variety of topics including how she has never had a match like she did with Deonna Purrazzo at Slammiversary. She noted how she had to step up to match Deonna’s intensity and energy and how Purrazzo is the hardest opponent she has had to face in her career.

Trinity said, “I’ve never had a match like that. Deonna is incredible in the ring. I had to step up to match her intensity and energy, and matching her style was a challenge, too. She is the hardest opponent I’ve had to face in my career, and I feel so honored to have shared the ring with her.”

Trinity also spoke about how she and Purrazzo put so much thought into every part of their match.

“We put so much thought into every part of this match. I’m so happy we got it right. Deonna made me dig deep and fight through it. That’s my story. The struggle makes it real. It also makes it beautiful.”