WWE RAW Results – June 3, 2024

The road to WWE Clash At The Castle: Scotland continues tonight.

WWE Monday Night Raw returns from the GIANT Center in Hershey, Pennsylvania with the latest installment of the weekly three-hour WWE on USA Network red brand prime time television program.

On tap for tonight’s three-hour WWE on USA Network program is WWE World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest vs. Rey Mysterio, Ludwig Kaiser vs. Sheamus, as well as The New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) vs. Authors of Pain (Akam & Rezar), Finn Balor vs. Dragon Lee, Kiana James vs. Natalya, Ricochet vs. Bron Breakker, as well as the follow-up to Liv Morgan and Dominik Mysterio’s kiss.

Featured below are complete WWE Monday Night Raw results from Monday, June 3, 2024. The following report was written by PWMania.com reporter Matt Boone (@MattBoone0709) as the show aired live on the USA Network from 8-11pm EST.


“WWE Then. Now. Forever. Together.” gets us started. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill are shown entering the arena earlier today. Bron Breakker is in the arena and will face Ricochet later tonight. The Judgement Day arrived together.

Liv Morgan, Dominik Mysterio Kick Off This Week’s Show

We see a recap of the kiss after last week’s Raw between Liv Morgan and Dominik Mysterio and then the WWE Women’s World Champion makes her way out to kick off this week’s show. She talks about wanting to take everything from Rhea Ripley. Out comes Dom-Dom to cut her off.

He tries talking as he comes to the ring, but the fans drown him out with boos over-and-over again. He yells and says he wants to say his piece. Dom-Dom says Mami is gonna kill Morgan when she returns. Morgan says she’s gonna kill him, too.

Morgan then talks about how she meant what she said when she said she wanted to take everything from Ripley. She says that includes you to Dom-Dom. She backs him into a corner coming on to him as he backs off.

Finn Balor runs out and says he doesn’t want anything to do with her. She walks off smiling at him, and the commentators point out that Dom seemed to smirk back. That’s how the opening segment for this week’s show wraps up.

Sheamus vs. Ludwig Kaiser

Footage is shown of Ludwig Kaiser’s attack of Sheamus last week. We see Jackie Redmond backstage live with “The Celtic Warrior,” who talks about thinking Kaiser was just GUNTHER’s flunkie, but after last week, he thinks there might be more to him. He says he’ll have a chance to prove it tonight.

The theme for Sheamus hits and Pat McAfee proclaims it “FIGHT NIGHT!” on commentary as the near 15-year WWE veteran emerges. He begins making his way to the ring for our opening contest, but he is attacked from behind by Kaiser, who chop-blocks him to the back of the knee.

As security gets Kaiser off of him, we shift gears and head into a quick commercial break. When we return, we see the match is in progress. Kaiser is focusing his attack on the injured knee of the WWE legend. Sheamus starts to fight back into competitive form briefly, but again Kaiser cuts his knee out from under him to take over.

Kaiser drops Sheamus on his bad knee onto the steel ring steps. With his knee up against the steps, Kaiser charges around the ringside area on the floor and connects with a savage drop kick to his knee. On that note, we shift gears and head into a mid-match commercial break as the action continues.

When we return, we see Kaiser deliver more punishment until the referee literally pulls his arm back to throw the match out as Sheamus is slumped in the corner. Sheamus grabs his hand before he can wave it off and Sheamus insists he give him another chance. He goes for a Brogue Kick but his leg gives out. Kaiser gets the win.

Winner: Ludwig Kaiser

Dragon Lee vs. Finn Balor

Backstage, we see Dom-Dom being grilled by Finn Balor and The Judgment Day about not doing anything with Liv Morgan. They say that’s the problem. He also mentions how he’s “giving Mami space.” Damian Priest insists he make things right with Mami and tells the rest of the crew to remind everyone why they run Raw.

Dragon Lee’s theme hits and out comes the popular masked Superstar for our next match of the evening. As he settles in the ring, we shift gears and head into a quick pre-match commercial break. When we return, we see Ilja Dragunov warn Ricochet not to take a fight with Bron Breakker tonight because he’s not 100-percent.

Ricochet assures him he’s fine. Back inside the arena, Dragon Lee is settled into the ring and Michael Cole introduces a video package to bring fans up to speed on who this high-flyer is. The Judgment Day theme hits and out comes Finn Balor and the match gets underway.

Dragon Lee starts off strong, but after tons of interference from JD McDonagh, and eventually Carlito, we see Balor take over and hit his top-rope Coup de Grace for the pin fall victory.

After the match, we see The Judgment Day celebrating with Carlito in the ring when out comes “The big white son of a b*tch,” as Pat McAfee calls him, Braun Strowman. “The Monster Among Men” heads to the ring accompanied by Rey Mysterio. The two clear The Judgment Day out of the scene and check on Dragon Lee.

Winner: Finn Balor

Sami Zayn Gets Mixed Into Chad Gable, Alpha Academy Business Again

WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn is shown walking backstage as we shift gears and head into another commercial break. When we return, we see The Judgment Day telling Carlito he needs to handle the Braun Strowman situation tonight.

They walk off and R-Truth comes up and reminisces about the “good ol’ days” with The Judgment Day until The Miz appears and tells him otherwise. R-Truth tells Miz he’s borderline obsessed with The Judgment Day to the point that it’s “weird.” He walks off.

Back inside the arena, we see the I-C champ make his way to the ring to a big pop. Zayn gets on the mic but is cut off by the Alpha Academy theme. Out comes Otis, Akira Tozawa and Maxxine Dupri. Dupri hesitantly reads a message from “Master” Chad Gable about how much all of the Alpha Academy sucks.

Zayn pleads with them not to let Gable define who they are, trying to convince them that they are better than that. Gable ends up attacking Zayn from behind. Otis starts to look visibly upset watching this unfold. Gable zeroes in on this and yells at Otis to hit Zayn as he holds his arms behind his back.

Otis gets ready to, but turns and stops. Gable walks over and scolds him. Tozawa gets in between them and grabs Gable. The fans “ooh” and “ahh.” This is The Bloodline 2.0 with The Usos all over again. Gable yells at Tozawa and punks him out. He then yells at Maxxine to get on her knees and beg him to stop.

She does. He then yells at the three to get out of his ring. Otis walks over and defiantly gets in Gable’s face and the crowd erupts and breaks out into “Otis! Otis!” chants as Gable slowly back-peddals. He turns and Zayn goes to work on him with punches. The roof almost comes off. During this, Dupri is knocked off the apron and hurts her leg.

Otis and Zayn look at down at her. They turn as Gable yells. Gable and Zayn each yell at Otis to hit the other person. Otis hesitates and eventually scoops Zayn up and slams him down to thunderous boos. He heads out and scoops up Tozawa and Maxxine and carries one over his back and the other in his arms to laughs as he walks off. In the ring, Gable poses with the I-C title over a fallen Zayn as fans loudly boo. Good stuff here.

Bron Breakker vs. Ricochet

Backstage, we see Adam Pearce watching this unfold on a monitor when in walks Bron Breakker laughing. He asks if that’s his I-C champ. He says he would destroy him. Breakker talks about finally having a match against real competition tonight. Pearce says the only reason Breakker has a match is because Ricochet asked for it. Breakker says he’s gonna teach Pearce why he should have put him in the King of the Ring.

Inside the arena, Ricochet’s theme hits and out comes the WWE Speed Champion, without his title belt on him or any acknowledgement of his championship status, of course. As he heads to the ring for our next match of the evening, we cut to a quick pre-match commercial break. When we return, we see a happy Gable applauding the Alpha Academy crew for faking injuries and acting, which they make clear they weren’t to his obliviousness.

We return inside the arena and see Ricochet holding his ribs as he awaits the arrival of his opponent. Footage is shown of Bron Breakker’s backstage attack on him recently and then Bron’s theme hits to bring the promising prospect to the ring. The bell sounds and off we go. Ricochet walks up and slaps Bron right in the mouth to start things off.

This only angers Bron, who charges at Ricochet with blind rage, allowing Ricochet to connect with some strikes. We head to a mid-match commercial break as the action gets going. When we return, we see Ricochet hit some of his trademark spots, including a big recoil, but ultimately Breakker hits a Frankensteiner off the top and a Spear for the win. After the match, he violently attacks Ricochet. Ilja Dragunov runs out to make the save. Officials keep them apart.

Winner: Bron Breakker

Backstage With Rey Mysterio, Dragon Lee & Zelina Vega

Backstage, we see a dejected Dragon Lee being consoled by Rey Mysterio and Zelina Vega. They assure him that he had a good showing for himself and only lost because Carlito helped The Judgment Day cheat. He assures him that he’s gonna handle their top dog in WWE World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest tonight. We head to another commercial break after this wraps up.

Kiana James vs. Natalya

When we return from the break, Pat McAfee talks us through a telestrater super slow-motion replay of Liv Morgan coming onto Dominik Mysterio in the opening segment. This was the greatest thing ever. So funny. We shoot to Natalya making her way out and heading to the ring for our next match of the evening. Backstage, Jackie Redmond talks to Kiana James for a brief interview. She talks about having big aspirations.

Inside the arena, the theme for Kiana James hits and out she comes for this one-on-one showdown against the women’s wrestling legend. The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. James and Nattie immediately get after it, with Nattie taking the early offensive lead. She slaps an armbar attempt on James and rolls into a pin attempt for a two-count.

James takes over, putting the boots to Nattie and spearing her in the corner. Nattie fights back with a big clothesline, but James takes over again and finishes her off with her 401k for the pin fall victory.

Winner: Kiana James

Braun Strowman vs. Carlito

Backstage, Jackie Redmond talks to The New Day, who insist Karrion Kross is wasting his time trying to get Xavier Woods to turn on Kofi Kingston. Kross walks up and tells them their “New Day Rocks!” chant doesn’t hit the same these days because the ‘power of positivity’ is dead. He tells Woods he won’t have to follow Kofi around any more after tonight.

Back inside the arena, Braun Strowman’s theme hits and out comes “The Big White Son Of A B*tch,” which appears to be his new nickname, at least for Pat McAfee. As said big-b*tch settles in the ring, we shift gears and head into a quick pre-match commercial break. When we return, we see Natalya backstage quoting the late Owen Hart, saying “Enough is enough and it’s time for a change” while talking to Sonya Deville.

Up walks Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark, who have words with Deville before we return inside the arena where Carlito’s theme hits and he makes his way to the ring for a match that lasted all of seconds, as Strowman quickly finishes him off with ease before a post-match attack from The Judgment Day begins. Strowman fights off Balor and McDonagh and then punches a chair away from Dom-Dom as he crawls away.

Liv Morgan runs out and protects Dom. While distracted by Liv, Strowman is attacked from behind by Balor, McDonagh and Carlito. In the ring, McDonagh beats Strowman to hell with a steel chair. The Judgment Day guys run in to help with the beat down. Back in the aisle, Liv and Dom have another tense moment staring at each other. Balor runs out and gets in between them.

Winner: Braun Strowman

WWE Women’s Tag-Team Championships
Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair vs. Zoey Stark & Shayna Baszler

Backstage, we see WWE Women’s Tag-Team Champions Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair walking. They are coming out when we return. On that note, we shift gears and head to another commercial break.

When we return, “A storm is coming” and out comes Jade Cargill. Her theme dies down and then we learn that, in fact, Bianca Belair never needed you at all. She comes out swinging her pony tail as her catchy tune plays and the WWE Women’s Tag-Team Champions head to the ring together.

The two cut a promo, but are interrupted by the duo of Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark. The four have words and agree to a fight right now. Raw G.M. Adam Pearce comes out and makes sure this is a fight they all want. He brings a ref out and says the titles are on-the-line right now.

We see this impromptu bout get officially off-and-running, and the champs get off to a strong start. The two hit big stalling suplexes side-by-side and then hit the double biceps pose to the crowd as Stark and Baszler recover at ringside.

On that note, we shift gears and head into a mid-match commercial break. When we return from the break, we see Baszler and Stark take over on offense for a few minutes. Belair hits the K.O.D. and gets ready to score the pin, when she is attacked from behind by Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn. Baszler and Stark help with the attack.

Winners via DQ: Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair

Drew McIntyre Confronts WWE World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest

Backstage, Jackie Redmond talks with WWE World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest about The Judgment Day having a lot of success tonight. He agrees with her and then talks about how Rey Mysterio has been a thorn in their side for a while. He vows that after tonight, “I’m done with Dominik’s father.”

As he continues talking, he is cut off by Drew McIntyre. “The Scottish Warrior” assures him that his life will be good in two weeks when he takes the title from him in his hometown at WWE Clash At The Castle: Scotland. He tells Priest he wanted to make this personal, so now this is personal. “I’ll be seeing you real soon.” We head to a break.

“Main Event” Jey Uso Sets Sights On Money In The Bank

When we return from the break, we hear the familiar sounds of “Main Event” Jey Uso’s theme. Out comes the master of “YEET!” as the lights in the building are dimmed and we see the fireflies come out with all the fans doing the wave with their cell phone flash lights. He talks about separating from his brother and going on his own.

He takes his shades off and while in the crowd cutting the promo, thanks everyone for “YEET’ing” with them as he goes on his own journey. He says he’s got one more plan for this summer. He says he’s gonna climb to the top of the ladder, snatch that briefcase and become Mr. Money In The Bank. His theme hits again to wrap this up.

IYO SKY Attacks Lyra Valkyria

Cathy Kelley is standing by with Lyra Valkyria backstage. She talks to her about Becky Lynch’s loss to Liv Morgan. Valkyria assures her Lynch will ‘come back around’ and show how true winning is done. As she talks about having her sights set on Money In The Bank, she is savagely attacked from behind by former WWE Women’s Champion IYO SKY.

The New Day vs. Authors Of Pain

We return inside the arena where we hear the familiar sounds of The New Day’s theme music. Out comes Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods to chants of “New Day Rocks!” They settle inside the squared circle for our next match of the evening, as Michael Cole talks us into a quick pre-match commercial break.

When we return, we see the Authors of Pain make their way to the ring accompanied by Paul Ellering. The bell sounds and off we go. We see the New Day start off strong, however Karrion Kross plays a factor at ringside and ultimately sways things into AOP’s favor, as they get what amounted to a pretty easy victory in this one.

Winners: Authors Of Pain

Damian Priest vs. Rey Mysterio

It’s main event time!

After a quick backstage interview with Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn about the attack on Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair earlier tonight, Michael Cole and Pat McAfee announce Lyra Valkyria vs. IYO SKY, Sami Zayn vs. Otis and Bron Breakker vs. Ilja Dragunov for next week’s WWE Monday Night Raw on June 10 in Toledo, Ohio.

Rey Mysterio’s theme hits back inside the GIANT Center in Hershey, PA. and out comes the LWO leader and WWE Hall of Fame legend for our final match of the evening. The pro wrestling legend takes on the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest of The Judgment Day when we return.

On that note, we shift gears and head into a quick pre-match commercial break. When we return, the theme for Damian Priest hits and out comes the WWE World Heavyweight Champion and leader of The Judgment Day for our main event. The bell sounds and off we go, as Rey gets off to a fast start.

Mysterio uses his speed and agility early on to establish the offensive lead coming out of the gate, as the crowd in Hershey loudly supports him in the background. He hits a big high spot on the floor, but after that, Priest takes over and settles into a comfortable prolonged offensive lead.

As he slows things down and taunts the crowd, McAfee talks us into a mid-match commercial break as the match continues. When we return, we see some more back-and-forth action. Priest goes for his finisher off the top-rope, but Mysterio counters with a hurricanrana.

He follows up with a 6-1-9 and goes for the cover, but Priest kicks out. After this, Carlito runs down and hops on the apron. Dragon Lee runs out to deal with him. As they fight on the floor, we see Finn Balor and JD McDonagh of The Judgment Day run out and attack Dragon Lee from behind.

Rey flies out with a corkscrew plancha. Priest follows up with a South of Heaven chokeslam to Rey off the top-rope for the pin fall victory. After the match, Drew McIntyre makes good on his promise, as he attacks Priest and lays him out. He follows that up with a Future Shock DDT.

Fans chant “CM Punk!” as McIntyre stares at Priest’s title. He heads to the corner and waits for the champ to get up. He looks for a Claymore Kick but Balor runs in so he clotheslines him down. He takes out McDonagh as well. He heads over to Priest on the floor and clears off the commentary desk. Priest recovers and chokeslams Drew through the table. That’s how this week’s show goes off the air. Thanks for joining us!

Winner: Damian Priest