WWE RAW Review – July 3, 2023

WWE RAW Review – July 3, 2023

Kicking off this week’s Raw with a recap of Money In The Bank.

World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins basks in the song of the fans before welcoming fans to Monday Night Rollins. He discusses the festivities of Money In The Bank and his victory over Finn Balor then addresses SummerSlam.

Before Rollins can continue Cody Rhodes’ music hits and he makes his way down to the ring.

Rhodes looks to ask Baltimore what they want to talk about but he is interrupted by Brock Lesnar’s music.

Lesnar appears on the ramp and begins brawling with Rhodes as he dumps him in the ring and sets up for an F5 but Rhodes escapes and lands Cody Cutter.

After the break Rollins has gotten back inside the ring and says it’s time to get back to business.

Judgment Day’s music hits and they appear. Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley says everyone is here to see Judgment Day take over and Rollins questions her statement. He takes note of Finn Balor’s absence and asks where he is. He says while Balor is prone to sneak attacks, something tells him that isn’t the case.

Ripley says Balor’s whereabouts are none of his business and Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest says the only thing he should be concerned about is his Money In The Bank briefcase. He says he could cash in on him at any time including tonight. Rollins says Priest is forgetting you have to catch the champion when they’re beating down but he’s as good as new. He says he was planning to party but he’s happy to have a match. Priest says he hopes Rollins has the energy to be beaten by someone next to him. Ripley suggests Dominik Mysterio since she already has a title match later tonight and throws out the challenge on his behalf. Rollins then accepts the challenge after some encouragement from the audience.

Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Match starts off with a lock up then they go back & forth with submission holds before Damian Priest lands a right hand. Shinsuke Nakamura delivers a series of knees to his jaw then jams his boot into it. Priest responds with a forearm then fires off stomps in the corner and sets up with a delayed vertical suplex.

Nakamura escapes and delivers a knee to Priest’s midsection that sends him tumbling to the outside. Nakamura then sends him into the barricade near the timekeeper’s area face first before Priest plants him on top of it spine first with a Broken Arrow as we go to a break.

After the break Nakamura fires off a series of right hands and kicks. Nakamura plants him with a leg sweep then follows it up with a kick and ascends to the middle rope. He goes flying but Priest catches him with a right hand and sets up for South Of Heaven. Nakamura counters into a roll up but Priest kicks out.

Nakamura looks for an armbar but Priest blocks it and delivers a spinning heel kick then he sets up for Razor’s Edge but Nakamura escapes and delivers a knee off the middle rope. He sets up for the Kinshasa but Priest ducks out of the way and lands a clothesline then follows it up with South Of Heaven for the win.

Winner: Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest

Before Ronda Rousey can speak Shayna Baszler’s music hits and she heads down to the ring.

Baszler says everyone is sick of Rousey speaking on the mic. Rousey asks Baszler for an explanation and says she owes her that and Baszler says she’s self absorbed. Baszler vents her frustrations and asks where Rousey was during her tryout. She says she has scratched and clawed to get to where she is and there is finally someone there to shut her up.

Rousey delivers a kick that sends her tumbling off the apron and dumps her back in the ring. Baszler then cinches in an Ankle Lock and refuses to relinquish it then she lands a jaw to the side of Rousey’s face and retreats.

Women’s Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tag Team Turmoil Match
The Way (Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell) vs. Dana Brooke & Tegan Nox vs. Emma & Nikki Cross vs. Sonya Deville & Chelsea Green vs. Kayden Carter & Katana Chance

The Way vs. Sonya Deville & Chelsea Green

Indi Hartwell goes straight after Sonya Deville then Candice LeRae tags in and Hartwell delivers a gutbuster then LeRae looks for a moonsault but Deville rolls out of the way and tags in Chelsea Green & she drills LeRae to the mat with Unprettier before Deville delivers a knee to LeRae to eliminated The Way.

Sonya Deville & Chelsea Green vs. Emma & Nikki Cross

Nikki Cross blindsides Green then tags in Emma and slides out of the ring. She asks LeRae if she’s okay as Emma sends Green repeatedly into the top turnbuckle face first. She delivers a suplex then tosses her across the ring and delivers the Emma mite Sandwich.

Green fires back with a forearm and Emma looks for the tag out to Cross but Cross is nowhere to be found allowing Green to hit the Unprettier and Deville follows it up with a running knee for the elimination.

Sonya Deville & Chelsea Green vs. Dana Brooke & Tegan Nox

Tegan Nox comes in right away with a single leg dropkick on Green then lands a pair of running uppercuts and tags in Dana Brooke.

Brooke & Nox plant Green face first and Green rolls to the outside for a time out with Deville. Brooke & Nox then level both women with baseball dropkicks as we go to a break.

After the break Brooke & Nox are eliminated after Deville delivers a running knee to the jaw of Nox.

Sonya Deville & Chelsea Green vs. Kayden Carter & Katana Chance

Kayden Carter delivers a kick to Deville’s jaw before Katana Chance tags in and delivers a springboard moonsault. Green tags in and delivers a double delayed vertical suplex with Deville then tags Deville back in. Deville delivers a pair of right hands to Chance’s midsection then tags Green back in.

Chance delivers a kick and Carter tags in & Carter ascends to the middle rope and drags Green up with her. Chance makes the blind tag and delivers a hurricanrana to Green off Carter’s shoulders then she goes for the pin but Deville breaks the fall.

Green sets up for the Unprettier but Carter escapes. Deville takes a cheap shot at Carter while the referee is distracted, allowing Green to hit Unprettier for the win.

Winners & #1 Contenders To The Women’s Tag Team Titles: Sonya Deville & Chelsea Green

Becky Lynch says The Man has come around to Baltimore and while she can move past not winning the Women’s Money In The Bank Ladder match, she can’t seem to move past Trish Stratus then calls her out to the ring and she appears along with Zoey Stark.

Stratus asks Lynch if she thinks it’s funny that she broke her face on Saturday and says the crowd shouldn’t be laughing at her because they all need masks to cover their ugly faces. She says she would love to fight Lynch but she isn’t medically cleared. Lynch invites Stark to fight her instead and Stratus asks if she’s sure. Lynch says Stark is better than her and Stratus says no one is better than her. Lynch says Stratus couldn’t beta her on her own and asks why that is the case. She says if Stark wants to get better, she has to go through her because Stratus isn’t there to help her but rather to get glory.

Stratus says she is the face of the women’s division and gave relevancy to Lynch. She demands respect and says that Lynch tried to break the face of the women’s division.

Stratus and Stark charge at Lynch but stop in their tracks. Stratus then tells Lynch to keep her calendar open next week because Stark will be ready.

Jackie Redmond then welcomes Cody Rhodes to ringside and asks for his comments about Brock Lesnar’s attack on him earlier tonight. Rhodes says he told Lesnar he would be ready and says he wants another shot at him. He says he’ll fight him any night.

6 Person Tag Team Match
Alpha Academy (Chad Gable, Otis & Maxine Dupri) vs. Viking Raiders (Erik, Ivar & Valhalla)

Chad Gable & Erik lock up to kick this match off then Erik delivers a shoulder block then follows it up with a forearm. Otis tags in and delivers a back elbow then follows it up with a splash in the corner and The Caterpillar as we go to a break.

After the break Otis & Erik go back & forth before Ivar tags in and is leveled by Otis but Gable tags in and delivers a boot to Ivar’s midsection. He follows it up with a blockbuster and an exploder suplex then sits him on the top rope and plants him then he levels Erik on the outside then ascends to the top and lands a flying headbutt on Ivar.

Valhalla & Maxine Dupri tag in. Dupri lands a pair of arm drags and a suplex then delivers a splash in the corner before she sets up for The Caterpillar but Valhalla lands a shot on her that stops her in her tracks. Dupri then manages to land a Code Red for the win.

Winners: Alpha Academy 

Women’s World Title Match
Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Natalya

Natalya attacks Rhea Ripley on the ramp then she tosses her into the barricade then chucks her into the ring steps and sends her face bouncing off the ring apron then she tosses her back in the ring and the bell sounds.

Natalya rains down right hands and looks to lock in the Sharpshooter but Ripley manages to slide out of the ring. Natalya follows her out there but Ripley catches her with a right hand and sends her head bouncing repeatedly off the announce table before they get back in the ring and Natalya delivers a German suplex.

Ripley lands a right hand on Natalya’s spine then follows it up with a headbutt then delivers a kick but Natalya delivers a crossbody off the top rope but Ripley fires back with a kick to Natalya’s head as we go to a break.

After the break Ripley delivers a kick to Natalya’s head then she sets up for a powerbomb but Natalya counters into a reverse hurricanrana and a discus lariat. Ripley ascends to the top and lands a missile dropkick then cinches in the Prism Lock. Natalya sends Ripley into the middle turnbuckle to break the hold then sets up for the Sharpshooter.

Ripley sends her into the middle turnbuckle then ascends to the top and goes to hit a Frog Splash but Natalya catches her with a boot then follows it up with a running powerslam and locks in a Sharpshooter but Ripley makes it under the bottom rope to break the hold then delivers a kick and a headbutt then follows it up with Riptide for the win.

Winner & Still Women’s World Champion: Rhea Ripley (STILL CHAMPION!!!!!)

After the match Ripley continues beating down Natalya but Women’s Tag Team Champions Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez run down to make the save.

After the break we head to a video recapping the Civil War between The Bloodline & The Usos at Money In The Bank.

Matt Riddle vs. Giovanni Vinci

Giovanni Vinci blindsides Matt Riddle then he delivers a body slam and a springboard crossbody before Riddle fires back with a kick to his face and a Ripcord Knee but Vinci plants him and delivers a moonsault out of the corner. He cinches in an Ankle Lock but Riddle reverses into a roll up for the win.

Winner: Matt Riddle

After the match Vinci & Ludwig Kaiser beat down Riddle but Drew McIntyre makes his way down to the ring to provide Riddle with a hand as he nails Vinci with Claymore then stares down Intercontienetal Champion Gunther.

Non Title Match
World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins vs. Dominik Mysterio

Match starts off with a lock up then Seth Rollins sends Dominik Mysterio out of the ring and looks to go flying but he encounters Rhea Ripley. Mysterio tries blindsiding him but Rollins sees him coming and sends him tumbling out of the ring then delivers a knee off the apron as we go to a break.

After the break Rollins delivers 3 Amigos to Mysterio then he ascends to the top rope but Damian Priest pushes him off as Ripley distracts the referee. Mysterio then ascends to the top and delivers a Frog Splash then fires off stomps and climbs back up to the top and lands a 2nd Frog Splash.

He fires off more stomps then climbs up to the top once again and looks for a 3rd Frog Splash but Rollins gets his knees up and delivers a pair of clotheslines then follows it up with a superkick and a series of running forearms then lands a backbreaker and sets up for a Pedigree but Rollins clotheslines him out of  the ring and lands a tope suicida on him & Priest.

He gets him back in the ring and lands a rolling elbow then sets up for Curb Stomp but Priest comes into the ring & delivers South Of Heaven & the ref calls for the bell.

Winner By DQ: World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins

After the match Priest rains down right hands on Rollins and dumps him out of the ring. He sends him into the ring steps and announce table then tosses him into the barricade and rains down more right hands. He delivers a flatliner on top of the announce desk and sets up for Razor’s Edge through the table but Rollins overpowers him. Mysterio hits him with the Money In The Bank briefcase and dumps Rollins in the ring then tells Priest to cash in. Before he can Finn Balor blindsides him and sets up for Coup De Grace. Priest gets in his face and they begin arguing. Mysterio tries to mediate things allowing Rollins to slip out of the ring. Mysterio tries to stop him but Rollins catches him with a Pedigree on the floor and scurries away. Priest & Balor continue arguing to close this week’s Raw.

Matches Of The Night

Damian Priest vs. Shinsuke Nakamura- 7/10

Women’s World Title Match- 7/10

Next Week’s Raw

Becky Lynch vs. Zoey Stark

No DQ Match
Tommaso Ciampa vs. The Miz

Tag Team Match
Imperium (Giovanni Vinci & Ludwig Kaiser) vs. Drew McIntyre & Matt Riddle