AEW Battle Of The Belts 7 Review – July 15, 2023

AEW Battle Of The Belts 7 Review – July 15, 2023

Kicking off the 7th annual Battle Of The Belts with Starks celebrating his win while Punk looked shocked. Starks went to the stage where Jushin Thunder Liger was holding the Owen Hart Cup but Starks took the trophy from him and paid no attention to him.

International Title Match
Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Lance Archer

Orange Cassidy went right after Lance Archer but he immediately took offensive control. Archer set up for Blackout but Cassidy fought free temporarily before Archer drills Cassidy with a knee while Cassidy was still on the ropes. Archer set up for Blackout but Cassidy puts him in a sleeper hold but Archer escapes and puts Cassidy down with a clothesline.

Cassidy ends up at ringside and did his light leg kicks on Jake Roberts as he cocked his fists. Cassidy motioned for Roberts to stop and then put his hands in his pockets. Archer went after Cassidy from behind and ended up swinging him into the barricade. Archer tossed a security guard into the barricade and then tossed another.

Archer went after a 3rd security guard but Cassidy dropkicked him a few times at ringside before Cassidy picks up a security guard and slams him onto Archer. Cassidy stacks 2 more security guards on top of Archer but he ends up shoving them all off and running Cassidy into the barricade as we go to a break.

After the break Archer went for a chokeslam but Cassidy slips away. Cassidy ends up punching the back of Archer’s leg so Archer grabs him by the throat but Cassidy kicks his way free. Cassidy superkicks Archer while he was on all 4s. Cassidy went for the Orange Punch but Archer caught his fist and held him up after punching him. Archer threw another punch and let Cassidy fall to the mat.

Archer hits Blackhole Slam for a near fall then Cassidy rolls to the apron and gave the thumbs up to Archer before falling to the floor by Roberts. Archer distracted the referee. Roberts set up for a DDT but Archer went to ringside and stops him then Archer hoisted up Cassidy but slips away and kicks Archer’s knee out from under him.

Cassidy mocked Roberts before DDTing Archer on the floor. Cassidy & Archer fought on the apron while the referee counted. Archer laughed after taking a punch but Cassidy was able to knock him off the apron with a punch. Cassidy rolls back in the ring while Archer was counted out.

Winner By Count Out & Still International Champion: Orange Cassidy (10:20) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!!)
Rate: 6

After the match Cassidy sold hand pain then a trainer tended to his hand while Archer stood in disbelief in the ring.

Tony Schiavone stood in the ring and introduced Billy Gunn & The Acclaimed & Max Caster raps on his way to the ring and included lines about Jonah Hill, not lasting 8 seconds in a rodeo and hot chicks in cowgirl outfits. Bowens did his usual part once they were in the ring. Caster presented a young fan with his autographed chains.

Caster said they were accepting the QTV challenge regarding the Royal Rampage in rapping. Bowens said they had another announcement. Caster said that they would be challenging House Of Black for the Trios Titles next Saturday in his hometown of Trenton, New Jersey.

Bowens had the fans hold up their scissors fingers and told the director to get a shot of it. Caster said that it was the greatest show on earth because everyone loves The Acclaimed. Schiavone joined them in the post promo scissoring.

Women’s Title Match
Toni Storm (c) vs. Taya Valkyrie 

Toni Storm sends Taya Valkyrie to ringside early and follows her to the floor then Storm tossed Valkyrie by the hair to the mat a couple of times and then Ruby Soho laughs at Valkyrie before Storm jaws at Valkyrie’s friends as we go to a break.

After the break Valkyrie took control and then the screen fizzled out until it went black yet the logo was still at the bottom of the screen. The logo also disappeared and they cut to another break.

After the 2nd break they replayed a portion of last week’s Julia Hart win over Bambi Hall. They cut back to ringside where Ian Riccaboni & Niguel McGuinness & they were in the middle of talking. Riccaboni plugs the main event and welcomed viewers back who were affected by severe weather in Calgary. He said they had a satellite interruption. Riccaboni sent things to the stage

Winner & Still Women’s Champion: Toni Storm (11:15) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!!)
Rate: N/A (Not giving it a rating due to the satellite issues then showing highlights)

Tony Schiavone introduced Owen Hart Cup tournament winners Ricky Starks & Willow Nightingale. Schiavone followed up by introducing Tony Khan & Dr. Martha Hart.

Hart went to a podium on the stage and said it was great to be there with Tony Khan, her family and the Owen Hart Foundation committee members. She noted that they were in Calgary, which is the hometown of Owen Hart and the foundation. She thanks Chris Jericho, Jeff Jarrett and her children Oje & Athena for their support.

Martha spoke of AEW coming to Calgary for the 1st time and touted the Calgary Stampede event. She also talked about how they were steps away from where it all started with Stu Hart’s Stampede Wrestling. She said Owen was like his father in that he was an amazing person and a very good man.

Martha congratulated Nightingale & Starks and said they would forever represent the kingdom of Owen Hart. Martha held up the arms of Nightingale & Starks & they held the titles for winning their respective tournaments.

TNT Title Match
Luchasaurus (c) vs. Shawn Spears

Shawn Spears went for a springboard move and was blasted by a Luchasaurus punch heading into a PIP break.

After the break Spears sends Luchasaurus to the floor before Spears chases Christian Cage around the ring. Luchasaurus ends up chokeslaming Spears into the timekeepers’ area. Luchasaurus drags Spears back to ringside and then tossed him in the ring.

Luchasaurus returns to the ring and grabs Spears by the throat then Spears fell to his knees but then rolls Luchasaurus into a pin for a two count & when they stood up Luchasaurus chokeslams Spears and covered him for a near fall.

Cage grabbed the chair that Spears brought to the ring and wedged it into the corner so Luchasaurus charges at Spears but he moves causing Luchasaurus to crash & burn.

Spears rolls him up for a two count before Spears sets up C4 but he was distracted by Cage. Luchasaurus clotheslines the back of Spears’ head to get the win.

Winner & Still TNT Champion: Luchasaurus (9:15) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!!!!)
Rate: 5

Luchasaurus placed Cage on his shoulders and then Cage held up the TNT Title.

Highlights aired of the finish of the Women’s Title match. Ruby Soho punches Taya Valkyrie from the floor while the referee had his back turned. Toni Storm hits Storm Zero to put away Valkyrie.

The in ring celebration continued for Luchasaurus & Cage while Scoripo Sky was shown watching on the backstage monitor.