AEW Battle Of The Belts 9 Review – January 13, 2024

AEW Battle Of The Belts 9 Review – January 13, 2024

AEW World Tag Team Titles Street Fight
Ricky Starks & Big Bill (c) vs. Le Sex Gods (Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara)

Both teams fought outside the venue as Ricky Starks batters Sammy Guevara with a trash can lid. Big Bill chokeslams Chris Jericho over a small embankment.

Starks & Bill celebrated until Guevara drove a golf cart into them then Guevara covers Starks for a two count. Guevara ran Bill into the side of the satellite truck.

Jericho returns and went after Bill but he ended up with a backpack that he bashed Le Sex Gods with. Bill opens the backpack and dumps out bricks.

Bill grabs a small piece of broken brick and threw it at Guevara but he moves causing the brick to smash through the rear passenger’s side window of a car.

Le Sex Gods teamed up to suplex Bill on top of the same car which shattered the front windshield. Rhett Titus shows up and told Jericho it was his car. Jericho drops Titus with Judas Effect.

Starks returned with a pipe and hits Jericho with it a couple of times then Jericho ran Starks into the side of the building and then brought him inside.

Jericho slammed a wet floor sign over Starks’ back then tossed him inside a laundry bin which he shoved into a production crate. Starks fought back and pressed a plunger on Jericho’s face.

Starks threw a Christmas decoration at Jericho then shoved a mop in Guevara’s face before Starks whips Jericho into a garage door and covers him for a two count.

Jericho places Starks’ head on a printer and pulls the top down then Jericho shows the camera the printed image of Starks’ head and then held it against his face and punched him.

Jericho grabs a pylon and put it over his own head and mugged for the camera before hitting Starks with the pylon.

Guevara choked Bill with a tablecloth as both teams fought into a concourse area as the brawl continued going into a picture in picture break.

After the break Bill chokes Guevara with a table cloth before Bill ran Guevara toward a wall but Guevara ran up the wall and did a flip off it.

Guevara ends up spraying Bill then Starks with a fire extinguisher. Both teams fought into a catering area as Jericho sprayed mustard at Bill.

Jericho ends up with a kendo stick and used it as a weapon while following Bill into the actual arena in front of fans as Guevara & Starks followed and continued to brawl.

Jericho set up a couple of tables next to one another. Jericho pulls Bill onto a platform next to the tables.

Bill fought back and tried to chokeslam Jericho but he slips away and punches him in the balls as Jericho plays to the crowd.

Konosuke Takeshita showed up and hits Jericho with a kendo stick then Bill powerbombs Jericho through the tables and both men stayed down. Guevara had Starks down on a platform next to the stage.

Guevara climbed some scaffolding and played to the crowd before hitting a Swanton Bomb but Powerhouse Hobbs pulls Starks out of the way & Guevara crashes onto the crash mat & Starks pins him for the win.

Winners & Still AEW World Tag Team Champions: Ricky Starks & Big Bill (18:15) (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!!)
Rate: 7

A Serena Deeb vignette aired. It shows her training while she did a voiceover and claimed to be the best women’s wrestler in the world. She said she is ready to return.

TBS Title Match
Julia Hart (c) vs. Anna Jay

Anna Jay jumps out to a fast start but Julia Hart came back by pulling Jay’s bad shoulder into the turnbuckle.

Hart ran Jay into the barricade then rolls her back inside the ring and covers her for a two count heading into a partial PIP break.

After the break Jay puts Hart down with a Backstabber for a two count before Hart came back by slamming Jay to the mat and covering her for a two count.

Jay targeted Hart’s shoulder then went for Queen Slayer but Hart rolls onto her in a pin position to break it.

Hart came back with her own sleeper which Jay escaped then Hart ends up applying Hartless for the submission win.

Winner By Submission & Still TBS Champion: Julia Hart (10:16) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 5

Footage aired from earlier today of The Jarretts, Jay Lethal & Sonjay Dutt arguing in their locker room. Karen Jarrett said she sent multiple texts but they don’t have a photo shoot, merch or a team name. Dutt said he’s the reason Lethal has a job. Jeff Jarrett told Lethal to leave. Satnam Singh shows up with food and accidentally smeared some on Lethal’s face.

International Title Match
Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Preston Vance

When Orange Cassidy turned around Preston Vance hits him with a discus lariat before Cassidy came back with an Orange Punch.

Vance hits Cassidy with a shoulder block from the middle rope before Vance hits a slingshot German suplex then boots Cassidy to ringside in front of The Undisputed Kingdom.

Cassidy returns to the apron and was pulled back inside the ring by Vance then he hits a vertical suplex and covers him for a two count going into a PIP break.

After the break Cassidy hits Vance with a suicide dive before Vance came back with a spinebuster. Cassidy annoyed Vance with some light chops.

Vance charges at Cassidy but he moves then works him over with real punches and kicks before Vance rallied with a ripcord stunner.

Cassidy came right back with Stundog Millionaire and a DDT for a near fall then Cassidy went up top but Vance rolls to the floor in front of the Undisputed Kingdom.

Cassidy dove at Vance but he caught him as Vance looks at Undisputed Kingdom then hits a fallaway slam that sent Cassidy crashing into Matt Taven & Mike Bennett.

Vance flips off Roderick Strong and returns to the ring. Vance puts Cassidy in a Full Nelson which Cassidy escaped and eventually hits Orange Punch then hits Beach Break for the win.

Winner & Still International Champion: Orange Cassidy (11:17) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 6

After the match Strong, Taven & Bennett enters the ring and looks at Cassidy as he was seated in a corner of the ring. Strong applauded Cassidy. Jose The Assistant removed his jacket and spun around Strong but he drops him with a knee strike. Undisputed Kingdom tossed Jose & Vance out of the ring and turned their focus back to Cassidy & they applauded Cassidy as he held up his International Title in front of Strong to close out Battle Of The Belts 9.