It’s Saturday night, and you know what that means …
All Elite Wrestling returns from the Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY. for this week’s episode of AEW Collision.
On tap for tonight’s two-hour Fight For The Fallen edition of the weekly AEW on TNT Saturday night show is Darby Allin vs. Christian Cage, Jay White vs. Dalton Castle, Willow Nightingale vs. Diamante, Samoa Joe will be in action, Powerhouse Hobbs will be in action, and we will hear from FTR, Ricky Starks and Miro.
Featured below are complete AEW Collision: Fight For The Fallen results from Saturday, August 19, 2023. The following report was written by PWMania.com reporter Matt Boone (@MattBoone0709) as the show aired live from 8-10pm EST. on TNT.
The usual pre-show quick-hit video talking heads is shown, with all of the competitors scheduled for tonight’s show talking about their respective matches. We then shoot into the “Saturday Night’s Alright For Fighting” theme by Elton John and we shoot inside Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY.
“The Golden Vampire” CM Punk Accepts Samoa Joe’s Challenge
The commentators welcome us to the show and then we hear the familiar sounds of Samoa Joe’s theme song. Out comes “The King of Television” with his ROH World Television Championship over his shoulder and fans loudly chanting “Joe! Joe! Joe!”
Already in the ring is his opponent, The Golden Vampire, who actually leaps out and attacks Joe at ringside as soon as he gets close to the ring. Back in the ring, he starts hitting CM Punk-style spots, including hoisting him up for the GTS, which he hits and then unmasks, revealing himself to be CM Punk.
Punk soaks in the roar when he unmasks and then grabs a mic. He leans down and tells an unconscious Joe, “I accept, bitch!” He walks off with Joe’s towel around his neck. The commentators inform us Punk vs. Joe for the “REAL” AEW World’s Heavyweight Championship has been confirmed by Tony Khan for AEW ALL IN 2023.
Jay White vs. Dalton Castle
Now it’s time for our real opening match of the evening, as The Bullet Club Gold theme hits and out comes “Switchblade” Jay White, accompanied by “Rock Hard” Juice Robinson, as well as The Gunns — Austin and Colten Gunn. He settles in the ring and his music dies down.
The theme for his opponent hits and out comes the flamboyant Dalton Castle with his entrance crew doing the peacock routine behind him. Castle talks about shining brighter than the sun for years and mentions how the world is about to see that now.
From there, the bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. The action is very slow early on, with White eventually settling into the offensive lead, chopping the p*ss out of Castle and then launching him out to the floor. Castle’s peacock boys roll him right back in and he takes White down and goes to work on him on the mat.
White starts to take over and then once again we see him throw Castle out to the floor. The peacock guys run over but The Gunns and Juice Robinson run them off. White heads out and hits a suplex on Castle at ringside as we shift gears and head into a mid-match commercial break as the opener continues.
When we return from the break we see some more back-and-forth action, with Castle hitting a crazy muscle-up German suplex into a pin attempt for a close near fall. He continues to work over “Switchblade” with good mat-based grappling offense afterwards.
For the third time in the bout, we see White launch Castle out to the floor. White chops the hell out of him as he’s leaning against the commentary table. White hits a Rock Bottom for a close near fall as the action resumes inside the ring. He locks in a big rear naked choke and squeezes away. He turns it into a sleeper suplex and then hits Bladerunner for the win.
After the match we head to a break, but not before the commentators build up that we will hear from Bullet Club Gold next, as if it were the most ground-breaking thing ever. Even if it turns out to be, that was so obnoxiously over-the-top for no reason.
Winner: Jay White
The Bullet Club Gold Address The Elite
After the match we head to a break, but not before the commentators build up that we will hear from Bullet Club Gold next, as if it were the most ground-breaking thing ever. Even if it turns out to be, that was so obnoxiously over-the-top for no reason.
When we return, Tony Schiavone joins the group in the ring. Jay White talks about how Kenny Omega claims to be a wrestling God, but he better stay in the hospital bed they put him in. He takes issue with Omega claiming that The Elite was the peak of The Bullet Club.
“Switchblade” hands over the mic to “Rock Hard” Juice Robinson, who sends a message to “Hangman” Adam Page. The Gunns close out the segment by addressing The Young Bucks, claiming they had to cheat to beat them on Wednesday. They tell Tony Khan that White has had his fight tonight, now the other three want theirs, so send out three opponents now.
Iron Savages & Jeff Jameson vs. The Gunns & Juice Robinson
Out comes Iron Savages, Bear and Boulder, accompanied by Jeff Jameson. They cut a promo on the way to the ring and then settle inside for our next match of the evening, which will apparently be an impromptu Trios bout.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. Jameson and Gunn kick things off for their respective teams. Jameson jumps into the early lead and then brags about why the fans can call him an “Ass boy” cause he’ll just motor boat. Alrighty, moving on!
Jameson tags out, as does Gunn, who tags in his brother. The Bullet Club Gold trio start to shift the offensive momentum in their favor, as they begin utilizing frequent tags to keep a fresh man on one-half of the Iron Savages duo, who they keep isolated on their half of the ring.
We hear the commentary sound weird, and the camera shifts to show us why, as Jay White is talking to Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness off-mic because they don’t have a headset for him. The Gunns and Robinson mock The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega’s Elite pose as they have their opposition down and out.
As the action continues with The Bullet Club Gold trio in firm control of the offense, the commentators inform us that we’re going to head to a mid-match commercial break and try to find Jay White a headset so he can join in on special guest commentary for this one.
When we return from the break, we see the big boy of Iron Savages go on a wild offensive run that almost sees his team pick up the upset victory, however Juice Robinson ends up finishing this one off for The Bullet Club Gold in the victory column.
Winners: The Bullet Club Gold
The House Of Black Address The Acclaimed
We are shown video footage from the past couple of weeks of Billy Gunn retiring and then The House of Black attacking The Acclaimed and stealing Billy Gunn’s boots that he left in the ring to symbolize his retirement.
Now we shoot to a video message from The House of Black. We hear the ominous words from Malakai Black, who has Billy Gunn’s boots and furthers the rivalry with The Acclaimed. After this, we head to another commercial break.
LFI To Be Repackaged
We return from the break to a segment that shows a phone call being placed demanding the LFI members meet in Mexico, which we see them doing in a cool video package. It looks like the group is being repackaged in some form or fashion, as the segment ends up with a kidnapping of some kind. RUSH has some plans in mind to rebuild LFI.
“Absolute” Ricky Starks Going To War On AEW
From there, Tony Schiavone is shown with Ricky Starks, who is snapping a belt as Schiavone reminds everyone that “Absolute” has been suspended for his actions in whipping an official in 70-year Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat a couple of weeks ago.
Starks talks about how he mentioned last week that he is going to start a war against AEW. He mentions that it begins live tonight and we see a shot of Big Bill standing next to him. He smiles and the two walk off together. A video package for Starks then airs to continue Starks’ shift to a heel.
Big Bill vs. Derek Neal
It was also mentioned during the segment that Starks’ suspension has been partially served already for time-served or some crap, because they’re claiming he only has two weeks remaining on it. Looks like they forgot when ALL OUT is scheduled.
We shoot back live inside Rupp Arena where Big Bill comes out with his manager, “Absolute” Ricky Starks, as he has acquired a “manager’s license.” Already in the ring is Big Bill’s opponent for tonight, Derek Neal.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. Starks whips Neal with a belt and then Big Bill starts to squash him, picking up a quick victory. After the match, Starks whips Neal like he did Steamboat. Big Bill throws him out of the ring and the fans boo.
Winner: Big Bill
Darby Allin & Nick Wayne Send A Message To Mogul Embassy
We are shown footage of Darby Allin and Sting appearing at AR Fox’s wrestling school during an event and attacking Fox, similar to how The Mogul Embassy ambushed Nick Wayne during a class at his school. Darby Allin is shown, as is Nick Wayne, commenting as the footage is shown.
Willow Nightingale vs. Diamante
Now we head back inside Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY. where the jovial sounding theme music for Willow Nightingale hits and out comes the fan-favorite to a big pop. They show footage of Diamante helping Mercedes Martinez last week beat Willow Nightingale as she settles in the ring.
Her music dies down and now the theme for her opponent plays and out comes Diamante. She makes her way down and settles inside the squared circle for one-on-one action in the AEW women’s division.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. Willow immediately jumps into the early offensive lead, beating down Diamante in the corner and putting the boots to her before hitting a suplex in the middle of a ring for a close near fall attempt.
Diamante gets in some offense of her own but then Willow quickly takes back over, hitting a crazy tilt-a-whirl side-slam for a close near fall. She knocks Diamante out to the floor and then we see Mercedes Martinez make her way out and head down to the ringside area.
We see Diamante take the distraction and hop on Willow’s back for a choke, but Willow pulls her overhead and slams her down before scooping her up for a running charge into a powerslam.
Diamante escapes and takes out Willow’s knee before she can connect with the slam. She gets Willow down and unloads on her with punches as Martinez cheers her on at ringside, as we shift gears and head into a mid-match commercial break as the action continues.
When we return from the break, we see some more back-and-forth action and then Martinez tries to get involved. Kris Statlander ends up coming out to even things up and Willow picks up the win. Willow and Statlander stand tall in the ring afterwards as Martinez and Diamante head to the back upset.
Winner: Willow Nightingale
Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Kevin Ku
We return inside Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY. where the familiar sounds of Powerhouse Hobbs’ theme hits. He makes his way to the ring for a squash match against someone named Kevin Ku, who is already in the ring.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one, which sees Ku for some reason appearing to be kind of wildly popular with the Kentucky crowd. Hobbs manhandles him from the word “go” and beats him down in the corner of the ring.
As he taunts Ku and grinds him into the corner, he yells into the camera asking where “The Redeemer” Miro is. He brings him to the top-rope and hits a big back-suplex. Hobbs pulls the straps down like Jerry “The King” Lawler in his prime and then finishes off Ku for the easy win.
After the match, Hobbs puts Ku in Miro’s finisher to further taunt “The Redeemer.” Miro then appears on the big screen and addresses Hobbs. He talks about the “Book of Hobbs” and how he too has relied on a book in the past, referring to the bible. He then sends a warning to Hobbs.
Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs
Darby Allin vs. Christian Cage
It’s main event time!
Kevin Kelly does his speed-read through some updates to the lineup for next week’s Dynamite and ALL IN. We then see Jim Ross join the gang on commentary for the main event of the evening.
After we return from a quick commercial time out, we see Darby Allin make his way out and skateboard down to the ring for our scheduled main event of this week’s Fight For The Fallen edition of AEW Collision on TNT.
He settles in the ring and then his music cuts off. Now the theme for Christian Cage hits and out comes the self-proclaimed TNT Champion accompanied by the real TNT Champion, Luchasaurus.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with our final match of the evening. The fans are clearly in favor of Darby tonight, booing the crap out of Christian and getting on his case with chants. We see Darby jump into the early offensive lead.
Christian Cage starts to take over and he has Allin throat-first across the bottom rope standing on the back of his neck right in front of Luchasaurus at ringside. Shortly after that, we shift into a mid-match commercial break, likely our last advertising time out of the evening.
We return from the break and we see Cage is still in control of what has been very much a one-sided affair. He stops at one point and taunts Darby by grabbing the TNT title at ringside and sitting it in the ring while yelling at Darby as he crawls, only to stomp away at him.
This same routine continues for a while. Cage hits a crazy power bomb off the top-rope on Allin and then spears him but can’t finish off the charismatic baby face. The ref ejects Luchasaurus from ringside after he gets involved one time too many. Cage goes for Unprettier but Allin escapes and counters into a pin for the win out of nowhere.
After the match, Tony Schiavone enters the ring to interview Darby, but Luchasaurus and Christian Cage come out and attack him. Luchasaurus hits a big chokeslam on Darby in the ring. Cage then covers him and Luchasaurus makes Schiavone get down and make the count. He hesitantly does and Cage then hands him the mic and demands he announce him as the winner. Schiavone does so. That’s how this week’s show goes off the air. Thanks for joining us.
Winner: Darby Allin