AEW Collision Results – May 11, 2024

It’s Saturday night, and you know what that means …

AEW Collision returns this evening with another two-hour show leading into a special live one-hour episode of AEW Rampage, from the Rogers Arena in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

On tap for tonight’s show is Will Ospreay vs. Lee Moriarty, Adam Copeland (c) vs. Kyle O’Reilly for the TNT title, Dax Harwood vs. “Dynamite Kid” Tommy Billington, Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli vs. Top Flight (Dante & Darius Martin), Thunder Rosa vs. Robyn Renegade, as well as Brian Cage & The Gates of Agony in action.

Featured below are complete AEW Collision results from Saturday, May 11, 2024. The following report was written by reporter Matt Boone (@MattBoone0709) as the show aired live from 8-10pm EST. on TBS.


This week’s three-hour AEW double-header is underway from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, as we shoot inside Rogers Arena to kick off AEW Collision on TBS, which leads into AEW Rampage at 10/9c.

Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli vs. Top Flight

We immediately hear the familiar sounds of Bryan Danielson’s theme music, and out comes “The American Dragon” accompanied by fellow Blackpool Combat Club member Claudio Castagnoli. The two head to the ring for our opening tag-team contest, as Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness welcome us to the show.

The theme for Top Flight hits and out comes the team of Dante and Darius Martin, as introduced by ring announcer Bobby Cruise. The four men are in the ring and ready to rock and roll. The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with our opening match of tonight’s jam-packed show.

Danielson and Darius Martin kick things off for their respective teams. The two get a standing ovation before they even touch. A loud “AEW! AEW!” chant breaks out as the two finally get after it. We see Danielson take the early lead with some kicks. He grounds Darius and gets a bow-and-arrow. Claudio tags in and takes over as we head into a mid-match break.

When we return, we see Danielson lighting up Martin with rapid-fire kicks in the corner. Dante finally tags in and he drills Claudio, who tags in for his side, with about a thousand stiff-looking shots. Claudio fights back and takes over, getting the big swing for a big pop from the Vancouver crowd. Martin fires back up on offense and hits a high spot for a close two count.

“The American Dragon” hits a Busaiku Knee and brings Castagnoli back in, who follows up with his own finisher and the pin fall for the win. Good opener. After the match, Danielson gets on the mic. He asks the fans to give Top Flight a round of applause. He mentions the “AEW!” chant early into the match and says it warmed his heart.

He talks about the upcoming Anarchy in the Arena match. Castagnoli exits the ring and heads to the back as Danielson talks about doing Anarchy in the Arena because he loves AEW. He talks about The Elite and The Young Bucks not representing what AEW is all about. Tony Khan has been at every AEW show since its’ inception. He says The Young Bucks aren’t even here tonight.

Winners: Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli

Will Ospreay vs. Lee Moriarty

After Danielson wraps up, Schiavone and McGuinness run down action still to come tonight as the official match graphics flash across the screen. We learn that Will Ospreay vs. Lee Moriarty will be up next. On that note, we head into a pre-match commercial break. When we return, Ospreay’s theme hits and out comes “The Aerial Assassin” in his elaborate entrance robe to a big pop.

Ospreay settles into the ring to loud chants of “Ospreay! Ospreay!” to the beat of his theme. It wraps up and the theme for his opponent hits. Out comes Lee Moriarty accompanied by Shane Taylor. Moriarty wears his entrace mask as he heads to the ring. He takes it off and looks all-business. He settles inside the squared circle.

The theme for The Undisputed Kingdom hits and out comes the AEW International Champion Roderick Strong, accompanied by Matt Taven and Mike Bennett. Strong heads down with the duo to join Schiavone and McGuinness on special guest commentary, as he will defend his title against Ospreay at the upcoming AEW Double Or Nothing 2024 pay-per-view.

He begins, “TONY!” The bell sounds and off we go. We see some good back-and-forth action, with Ospreay settling in the early offensive lead, as Strong gloats on commentary. Ospreay hits a big high spot from the ring to the floor on Moriarty and then we settle into a mid-match commercial break as the action continues.

When we return from the break, we see Moriarty hit a big move on Ospreay that hurts the neck of “The Aerial Assassin.” He gets in some follow-up moves, but Ospreay takes over and the crowd explodes. Even Strong gives him credit on commentary. Taylor hops on the ring apron, so Ospreay blasts him with a super kick.

He goes for the Os-Cutter on Moriarty, who counters into his Border City Stretch. Ospreay escapes and hits a Storm Breaker for the win. After the match, Strong hops up from commentary and gets in Ospreay’s face on the apron. From behind, Shane Taylor knocks out Ospreay. The Undisputed Kingdom come in the ring and taunt Ospreay while he’s down and out.

Winner: Will Ospreay

Brian Cage & The Gates Of Agony vs. Evan Rivers & The Voros Twins

Tony Schiavone brings up Willow Nightingale’s upcoming TBS Women’s title defense at a STARDOM event. We see footage of Mercedes Mone throwing out the ceremonial first pitch at a Boston Red Sox game and then Mone and Willow in a contract signing is announced for next week’s AEW Dynamite.

Back inside Rogers Arena, Brian Cage and The Gates of Agony make their way down to the ring. Already in the ring are Evan Rivers and The Voros Twins. The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with Trios action. Within seconds we see Cage and the Gates of Agony gobble up the local enhancement trio for a super quick squash match victory.

After the match, Schiavone gets in the ring with a mic and asks them why they turned on and attacked their Mogul Embassy leader, Swerve Strickland. They call Swerve jealous and talk about the AEW EVPs The Young Bucks, until the theme for Swerve hits to cut them off.

Cage heads out of the ring to wait for Swerve, but Swerve comes in from behind with a chain and beats down The Gates of Agony. He hits a belly to back suplex on Cage and follows up with a House Call. He dives out and splashes on the Gates of Agony on the floor.

He chains Bishop Kaun to the ring post. Toa Liona attacks Swerve from behind. Liona charges at him but Swerve hits him with a cinder block and smashes his head on the stairs with a chair as Cage watched. We head to another commercial break.

Winners: Brian Cage & The Gates Of Agony

Daniel Garcia vs. KM

When we return from the break, Swerve Strickland is backstage talking about all that he’s had to overcome, and how his own people in The Mogul Embassy are now people he’s got to deal with. He says he dealt with two tonight and he’ll deal with Brian Cage.

A match is announced between Swerve and “The Machine” for next Wednesday night’s AEW Dynamite in Everett, WA. Back inside the arena, Daniel Garcia’s theme hits and out he comes for our next match of the evening. Already in the ring is his opponent, a large fella named KM.

The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. KM takes the early offensive lead, even stopping to mock Garcia’s little dance. “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard has joined Schiavone and McGuinness on special guest commentary for this one.

Garcia ends up taking over as Menard sings his praises. He shows KM how the real little dance is done and then finishes him off with the Dragon Sleeper for the submission victory.

Winner: Daniel Garcia

Dax Harwood vs. “Dynamite Kid” Tommy Billington

We see footage of how this week’s AEW Dynamite ended with the announcement of Team AEW for their battle against The Elite in Anarchy in the Arena at AEW Double Or Nothing 2024. After that, one of the members of that match, FTR’s Dax Harwood, makes his way out.

Harwood heads to the ring accompanied by Cash Wheeler for our next match of this week’s Collision. He settles in the ring and the catchy-ass Midnight Express-sounding theme for FTR wraps up. The theme for the British Bulldogs plays and out comes “Dynamite Kid” Tommy Billington.

He looks just like Dynamite Kid in his prime. It’s freaky. The bell sounds and off we go with this one-on-one bout. The two circle the mat before locking up, with Billington starting to get the upperhand with a wristlock before Dax hits a side headlock takedown. Both men get to their feet with Tommy hitting the ropes, only to be taken down by Harwood who goes on the attack now.

He takes the Dynamite Kid down, keeping a wristlock in tight even as Billington gets to his feet, only to be taken right back down. The exchange turns around in Tommy’s favor when he reverses out of it, hitting the ropes and taking Dax down with a shoulder tackle on the last of four attempts! Dax leaves the ring for a breather as the ref begins the count, but he makes his way back into the ring before getting a side headlock, only for Tommy to fight out of it.

Dynamite Kid hits the ropes but is taken down hard with a back elbow by Harwood, who follows up with a chop. Dax sends the Kid to the corner now, but Billington fights back with some strikes of his own…until Hardwood lays him out with a lariat! Dax goes for the cover, but Billington kicks out! Dax gets to his feet on the outside, only to be dropped with a dive by the Dynamite Kid! Billington brings Harwood back in, setting up for an aerial attack and a clothesline…and then hitting a big elbow from the top for the cover! BUT HARWOOD KICKS OUT!

Dax fights out of a waistlock, sending Tommy to the corner to set him up on the top turnbuckle. The two go at it on the turnbuckle, with Billington sending Dax down to the canvas before going up…only for Dax to intervene with a forearm! Harwood hits a big superplex, sending the Kid down hard to the mat! Moments later, he gets the win. They shake hands afterwards.

Winner: Dax Harwood

Thunder Rosa vs. Robyn Renegade

We shoot to a million backstage segments, which sees footage from after the end of last week’s AEW Dynamite, where Kazuchika Okada calls out Dax Harwood for a match at AEW Dynamite next week. It is also announced that Jon Moxley & Bryan Danielson vs. Kyle Fletcher & Jeff Cobb will take place.

Another segment airs showing The Young Bucks being jack-ass EVPs backstage with the staff, including trying to bully Christopher Daniels, who wasn’t having it. Daniels yelled in Matt Jackson’s face and threatened to beat his ass. It is announced that Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal vs. The Young Bucks will take place on Dynamite next week.

When we return, Harwood is backstage with Wheeler talking about Anarchy in the Arena coming up. He also mentions how he’s got Okada next Wednesday after just fighting Dynamite Kid Tommy Billington. He promises Okada he’s never fought anyone like him. “Top guys — out!”

Back inside the arena, Thunder Rosa’s theme hits and out she comes. She settles in the ring and her opponent, Robyn Renegade of The Renegade Twins, makes her way out. The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with women’s action here on AEW Collision.

After some back and forth action, Renegade sends Rosa into the guard rail as we head into a mid-match commercial break. When we return, we see Rosa dominating the action. She slaps on a cobra clutch and gets the submission victory. As usual, she babbles into the camera off-mic, partially in English and partially in Spanish, in arrogant baby face fashion after the match.

Winner: Thunder Rosa

TNT Championship
Adam Copeland (C) vs. Kyle O’Reilly

It’s main event time!

But first, Johnny TV and Taya Valkyrie are shown backstage with Lexy Nair. They talk about Vancouver being filled with Van-losers. Johnny TV issues a challenge to anyone in the back. He and Taya begin making out as Nair scrunches up her face and walks away. We head to another commercial break on that note.

When we return from the break, the commentators run down the updated lineup for next week’s AEW Dynamite. Also, Will Ospreay vs. Shane Taylor is announced for next week’s AEW Collision. A video package with comments from HOOK airs and he is announced for action next week on AEW Dynamite.

Back inside the Rogers Arena, we hear the familiar sounds of Adam Copeland’s theme music. Out comes “The Rated-R Superstar” for his latest TNT Championship defense. He settles in the ring and his music dies down. The theme for his opponent plays and out comes the hometown hero, Kyle O’Reilly, to an equally big pop.

The bell sounds and the noise from the crowd grows before these two even do anything. They shake hands before they lock up and now they start to get after it. A loud “This is Awesome!” chant breaks out, again, before much of anything happens. O’Reilly slaps a side head lock on Copeland and a loud “Kyle O’Reilly! Kyle O’Reilly!” chant breaks out.

As the action continues, we see Copeland settle into the offensive lead. He knocks O’Reilly off the ring apron, where the hometown hero crashes and burns on the floor at ringside as we shift gears and head into a mid-match commercial break. When we return, we see Copeland still in control of this TNT Championship main event.

Copeland heads to the middle rope for a leaping elbow smash, but lands arm-first into the waiting arms of O’Reilly, who immediately snatches up a tight arm bar. Copeland eventually frees himself and the fight between these two continues as the crowd comes to life in the background. O’Reilly hits knees and kicks and a big move. O’Reilly slaps on a knee bar, but Copeland gets the ropes.

O’Reilly heads to the top-rope with Copeland laid out. He leaps off with a knee to the back of “The Rated-R Superstar.” He slaps a Fujiwara Armbar on Copeland now as fans shout “Tap! Tap! Tap!” at the TNT Champion. Copeland escapes and hits a big move of his own. “This is Awesome!” chants break out.

After some more back-and-forth action, Copeland lands a kick that drops O’Reilly, who clutches himself and kicks his feet in pain as the ref makes Copeland back up so he can check on him. Copeland goes for the Spear but O’Reilly catches him coming in with a guillotine.

He squeezes away as the crowd comes to life, but Copeland stands up still in the hold and transitions into his impaler DDT. Fans break out in a loud “AEW! AEW!” chant as Copeland stalks O’Reilly from the corner. He charges at him and connects this time with a spear for the win.

Winner and STILL TNT Champion: Adam Copeland