AEW Dynamite Review – April 3, 2024

AEW Dynamite Review – April 3, 2024

Kicking off this week’s Dynamite with TNT Champion Adam Copeland’s mic suffered from a bit of feedback to start. He said he was there to talk as Adam. He asked the fans if they were having fun. There was more feedback. Live TV baby Copeland said.

Copeland said there’s been a lot of negative BS spewed this week. Copeland said screw that. He said he wanted to talk about positives and added that there’s a lot of positives in pro wrestling. He said those who go on social media just to complain are still pro wrestling fans.

Copeland said he grew up a fan of the WWF. He said he also watched the NWA, Stampede Wrestling, BC Wrestling out of Vancouver and Grand Prix Wrestling. Copeland said he knew he was closer to the end than the beginning and said he knew he wanted to be in AEW.

Copeland said he has been in some of the most phenomenal locker rooms of all time and he would put up the AEW locker room against anyone. He said he came to AEW because he could face Will Ospreay, Kenny Omega, Hangman Page, Swerve Strickland, Samoa Joe, Claudio Castagnoli, Jon Moxley, Darby Allin, FTR, Young Bucks, Buddy Matthews, Brody King & Malakai Black (he stared into the camera after saying Black’s name).

Copeland said his friends say it looks like he’s having a blast and he said he is. Copeland said he wasn’t knocking anyone else but his time in AEW has been the most fun he’s had during his 32 year career. Copeland said he celebrates AEW and the fans cheered AEW.

Copeland said he celebrates the men who started AEW and that means Young Bucks, Omega, Cody Rhodes & Tony Khan. Copeland said they are all fans. He said AEW has pushed the industry into a better place and gives more people a chance to do what they love for a living. Copeland said AEW makes pro wrestling better and more fun. And AEW is where the best wrestle he said while looking into the camera.

Copeland said AEW was moving forward. He said there was a reason that Kazuchika Okada, Mercedes Mone, Will Ospreay and he came to AEW. Copeland said he wanted to introduce a man who symbolizes everything AEW will be going forward.

Will Ospreay made his entrance after being introduced by Copeland. Ospreay entered the ring and looked at Copeland & smiled and then they shook hands.

Will Ospreay vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

Will Ospreay & Powerhouse Hobbs ends up at ringside where Hobbs slams Ospreay on top of the ring steps.

Hobbs picked up Ospreay and slams him on the apron repeatedly heading into a picture in picture break.

After the break Ospreay slaps Hobbs in the corner then made a face that showed concern.

Hobbs picks up Ospreay by the throat then suplexed him.

Hobbs blocked a swinging DDT but Ospreay countered into Stundog Millionaire.

Hobbs came right back with a powerslam for a two count.

Ospreay came back with an OsCutter and covers Hobbs for a near fall.

Ospreay removes his elbow pad and set up for Hidden Blade but Hobbs came at him and picks him up only for Ospreay to counter into an inside cradle.

Hobbs turns Ospreay inside out with a clothesline and both men stayed down.

Hobbs powerslams Ospreay from the middle rope and covered him for a near fall.

Hobbs yells at referee Aubrey Edwards about her count.

Hobbs lowered the straps on his singlet and then went for a spinebuster but Ospreay countered into a DDT. Ospreay hits Leap Of Faith then hits Hidden Blade to get the win.

Winner: Will Ospreay

After the match Don Callis enters the ring and tried to raise the arms of Ospreay & Hobbs but Hobbs wasn’t having it and got in Ospreay’s face. All 3 men left the ring. Ospreay headed up the ramp and was interrupted by the entrance theme of Bryan Danielson & he smiled at Ospreay when he passed him on the ramp on his way to the ring.

Lance Archer vs. Bryan Danielson

Lance Archer enters the ring and drops Bryan Danielson with a forearm to start the match.

Archer dominated the next couple minutes then Danielson took over and lits him up with kicks to the chest and then to the back of Archer’s leg.

Danielson put Archer’s leg over the middle rope and then hits it with a running dropkick.

Archer tossed Danielson to the floor as Archer followed but Danielson rushed back to the ring and went for a suicide dive. Archer caught Danielson and slams him on the apron.

Archer kicked a ringside crew member and slams the man on top of Danielson on the floor heading into a PIP break.

After the break Archer did his rope walk while holding Danielson’s arm but Danielson pushed his leg and crotched him. Danielson hits Archer with 2 dropkicks in the corner.

Danielson went for a 3rd but Archer grabs him by the throat.

Danielson took Archer down and put him in LeBell Lock but Archer reached the ropes to break the hold.

Archer went to ringside and then Danielson hits him with a flying knee from the apron.

Danielson slaps a fan’s hand in celebration then rolls Archer back inside the ring.

Danielson hits a top rope missile dropkick before Danielson threw another round of kicks to Archer’s chest but Archer stuffed the final kick.

Archer chokeslams Danielson and covered him for a near fall then he sets up for Blackout but Danielson hit him with elbows to the head while sitting on the top rope.

Danielson set up for a move but Archer caught him with a knee strike of his own.

Archer went for Blackout but Danielson countered into a sleeper hold.

Archer flung Danielson off to break the hold as Danielson put Archer down with a running knee.

Archer stuffed another knee strike but then Danielson hit him with 3 kicks to the head and followed up with Busaiku Knee for the win.

Winner: Bryan Danielson 

After the break Renee Paquette stood on the stage and introduced Chris Jericho & Jericho recalls offering to be FTW Champion Hook’s mentor last week then said something Hook said stuck in his head all week. Jericho calls for the Hook Signal which appeared.

Hook walks onto the stage & Jericho recalls Hook saying last week that he knows who Jericho is. Jericho said he understood because as the song says, everyone he’s ever loved, he’s pushed them all away. Jericho said the rules are different when you play the game at the highest of levels.

Jericho said he wasn’t asking Hook to fully trust him but he was asking Hook to believe in him as much as he believes in Hook. Hook said he believes in Jericho so much that he got them a Collision match. Hook said he would be keeping his eye on Jericho who bumped fists with him.

Shane Taylor Promotions spoke backstage about facing LionHook on Collision. Shane Taylor said LionHook would get their ass beat by Shane Taylor Promotions.

Jay White made his entrance under the spotlight then Billy Gunn shows up behind him and ended up punching him twice. White rolls down the ramp and was then run into the ringside barricade.

Trios Champion Billy Gunn vs. Jay White

Billy Gunn rolls Jay White inside the ring and Aubrey Edwards checked on White.

Gunn took White back to ringside and slams his head on the broadcast table.

White climbed over the barricade and then Gunn followed him into the crowd.

Gunn continued to dominate the offense as he tossed White over the barricade and joined him at ringside.

Gunn slams White’s head on the ring steps and then tried to kick him but White moved.

Gunn rolls White inside the ring but White crawled out the other side.

Gunn continued to dominate going into a PIP break.

After the break White rakes Gunn’s eyes and shoved him into the ring post.

White threw Gunn inside the ring and went for Blade Runner but Gunn counters into a slam. Gunn put White down with a Fameasser.

Gunn did a crotch chop then hits another Fameasser.

Gunn went to ringside and brought a chair back to the ring with him.

Austin Gunn enters the ring and knelt in front of White while Colten Gunn stood on the apron.

Billy shoved Austin out of the way then White hits Billy with a low blow for the DQ

Winner By DQ: Trios Champion Billy Gunn

After the match Trios Champions The Acclaimed ran out and helps Billy clear Bang Bang Gang to ringside. The Acclaimed sets up White for a table spot but The Gunns pulls White away.

Footage aired from earlier in the day of Young Bucks arriving in the back of a black car.

Separate footage aired of Best Friends arriving with Sue.

Renee Paquette introduced Willow Nightingale & she walked onto the stage with Kris Statlander & Stokely Hathaway. Nightingale spoke about her history in the town and mentioned the White Eagle. She explained that it’s an independent wrestling venue and said it’s where she figured out who she is.

Nightingale said she wondered whether a girl like her belongs in wrestling. The fans roared. She said the cheers reassured her and helped turn her into the woman she is today. Nightingale said the fans made her so confident that she knows she will be the smiling face of TBS.

Hathaway praised Nightingale for having a banger and knocking it out of the park. He said she impresses him and the entire world week after week.

Mercedes Mone’s entrance theme interrupted Hathaway and she walks onto the stage. Mone played to the crowd and told them to say hello to their CEO. Mone said she can’t wait to watch Nightingale tear it up with Julia Hart at Dynasty. Mone said she gets next regardless of who leaves Dynasty with the TBS Title. Mone danced down the ramp.

Semi Final Match Of The AEW World Tag Team Titles Tournament
Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson & Nicholas Jackson) vs. Best Friends (Orange Cassidy & Trent Beretta)

Young Bucks double powerbombs Orange Cassidy then Trent Beretta on the apron.

Matthew Jackson walks over to the broadcast table and asked Excalibur if he has to do everything. Matthew mimicked Excalibur while sending the show to a PIP break.

After the break Nicholas removed the top turnbuckle pad in Young Bucks’ corner.

Best Friends hits a modified TK Driver on Matthew and had him beat but Nicholas broke it up. They took out Nicholas and then did their hug spot.

Young Bucks came back and Matthew took out Chuck Taylor with a superkick then stops short of hitting Sue with one.

Matthew held out his fist for Sue to bump but she rejected it then Cassidy hit Matt with an Orange Punch.

Best Friends had Matthew beat but Nicholas broke it up. Sue kissed Beretta on the cheek to fire him up.

Matthew catapulted Beretta into the exposed turnbuckle then rolls him up for the win.

Winners: Young Bucks

After the match Young Bucks headed to the back. Best Friends stayed down and sold disappointment while Taylor enters the ring and Sue applauded from the floor. They got to their feet and set up for another hug but Beretta blasted Cassidy with a knee strike. Beretta walks past Taylor and his mother at ringside then headed to the back.

Women’s Title #1 Contenders Match
Thunder Rosa vs. Mariah May

Mariah May went for a powerbomb off the apron but Thunder Rosa counters into a hurricanrana.

Rosa plays to the camera then hits a crossbody on May as she was against the barricade.

Rosa rolls May back inside the ring and covers her for two heading into another PIP break.

After the break Rosa hits a German suplex for a two count.

May caught Rosa with a knee strike and set up for a move but Rosa counters into a pin for a two count. May drops Rosa with a headbutt.

May set up for Mayday but Rosa counters into a Backstabber then follows up with Tijuana Bomb for the win.

Winner & #1 Contenders To The Women’s Title: Thunder Rosa

After the match Rosa went to ringside and indicated that she wanted to face Storm on the spot but Women’s Champion Toni Storm ignored her.

Backstage Alex Abrahantes spoke about how the people want Pentagon Jr to hold gold again. Pentagon calls for a title shot.

Tony Schiavone stood in the ring for the contract signing segment and introduced Swerve Strickland & he came out with a dancing Prince Nana. The entrance of AEW World Champion Samoa Joe follows. Joe took a seat and signed the contract while Strickland stood next to Nana.

Joe sat back in his chair and said he had advice for Strickland before he signed the contract. Joe told Strickland that signing the contract is a career defining mistake.

Joe stood up and said he would leave Strickland mentally scarred like he left Diddy’s party too late. Joe said Strickland should do the right thing now that he has the right information.

Strickland picks up a mic and told Joe that he wanted this moment his entire life. He said he dreamt of this moment even though he didn’t believe it was actually possible. Strickland said much like the pay per view name they are building a dynasty in AEW and then he mentioned the 3 new signings.

Strickland said Joe is the definition of a killer but so is he. Strickland said he would show Joe that he’s every bit of that man. Strickland said he would beat Joe at Dynasty. Now run the fade on that b*tch Strickland said.

Joe shoved Strickland & he responded with a punch that knocked Joe down. Strickland wraps his chain around Joe’s neck but Joe turned and headbutts Strickland to knock him off his feet. Joe wraps the chain around his fist then punched Swerve with it. Joe threw more chain punches to the back of Strickland’s head.

Strickland bled then Joe hits him with more chain punches before referees pulls Joe away. Strickland grabs the mic and laughed which stops Joe as he was on the stage. Strickland said he loved it. He asked Joe if that’s all he had and said then he’ll take his AEW World Title from him.

Strickland dabs the pen in his forehead blood then signs the contract. Joe ran back to the ring. Strickland held his arms out and then Joe kicks him in the balls then hits a uranage slam that put Strickland through the table and Joe put his foot over Strickland then held up his AEW World Title to close out Dynamite.

Remanding Semi Final Match

Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) vs. FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler)

Friday’s Rampage

Christopher Daniels vs. Malakai Black

Non Title Match
International Champion Roderick Strong vs. London Lightning (If Lighting wins he gets a International Title Match)

Serena Deeb vs. Trish Adora

Fatal 4 Way Elimination Match
Action Andretti vs. Daniel Garica vs. Bryan Keith vs. Komander

Saturday’s Collision (Spoilers)

Semi Final Match Of The AEW World Tag Team Titles Tournament
Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) vs. FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler)

Tag Team Match
FTW Champion Hook & Chris Jericho vs. Shane Taylor Promotions (Shane Taylor & Lee Moriarty)

Pentagon Jr vs. Komander

PAC vs. Encore Moore

Trios Match
House Of Black (Malakai Black, Buddy Matthews & Brody King) vs. Christopher Daniels, Bryan Keith & Matt Sydal

Yuka Sakazaki vs. Trish Adora

Claudio Castagnoli vs. The Butcher

Next Week’s Dynamite

TNT Title Match
Adam Copeland (c) vs. Pentagon Jr

Updated Dynasty Card (April 21st) (Spoilers)

Will Ospreay vs. Bryan Danielson

Finals Of The AEW World Tag Team Titles Tournament
Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson & Nicholas Jackson) vs. FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler)

TBS Title Match
Julia Hart (c) vs. Willow Nightingale

AEW World Title Match
Samoa Joe (c) vs. Swerve Strickland

Trios Match
TNT Champion Adam Copeland, Mark Briscoe & Eddie Kingston vs. House Of Black (Malakai Black, Buddy Matthews & Brody King)

Women’s Title Match
Toni Storm (c) vs. Thunder Rosa