AEW Rampage Review – March 1, 2024

AEW Rampage Review – March 1, 2024

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Rugido

Match starts off with a lock up then they take turns locking one another in submission holds and pinning each other before Rugido hits a hurricanrana and follows it up with a tope suicida to Claudio Castagnoli.

He ascends to the top rope and hits a crossbody but Castagnoli responds with a clothesline and fires off stomps on Rugido.

Castagnoli dumps Rugido out of the ring and sends him crashing into the barricade.

They get back in the ring and Castagnoli catapults Rugido into the bottom rope as we go to a break.

After the break Rugido hits a pair of hurricanranas and a dropkick to Castagnoli that sends him crashing to the outside.

He hits a springboard moonsault then dumps him back inside the ring and rolls him up.

Castagnoli kicks out and Rugido hits a boot to his midsection then Castagnoli whips him into the corner and connects with an uppercut but Rugido hits a clothesline in the corner and follows it up with a belly 2 belly suplex.

He then lands a headbutt and a pair of kicks on Castagnoli’s midsection before delivering a powerslam and an arm drag.

Castagnoli then hits The Swing and goes for a pin but Rugido kicks out.

He rains down Hammer & Anvil elbows on Rugido then follows it up with Neutralizer for the win.

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli

After the match Castagnoli offers his hand to Rugido & Rugido takes it before Castagnoli low blows Rugido but Magnus runs down to the ring with a chair in hand and Castagnoli retreats through the crowd.

Trios Match
The Righteous (Vincent & Dutch) & Lance Archer vs. Luke Langley, Anaya & Vaught

Vincent hits Vaught with a back elbow then hits a boot to the side of his face then sends him crashing into the mat before he whips him into the corner, then tags in Dutch.

Dutch sends Vaught crashing into the mat but Vaught tags in Luke Langley.

Dutch hits Langley with a Boss Man Slam before Lance Archer tags in and suplexes Vaught into the ring. He hits him with a clothesline then chokeslams him on top of Langley.

Anaya gets in the ring and slaps Archer but The Righteous double team on him.

Archer sits Vaught on the top rope then hits Blackout to him on top of Anaya for the win.

Winners: The Righteous & Lance Archer

Riho vs. Trish Adora

Trish Adora taunts Riho for her height then Adora hits Riho with a shoulder tackle but Riho hits a double stomp to her spine and follows it up with a dropkick.

She ascends to the top rope and hits a crossbody to Adora on the outside then dumps her back inside the ring. Adora then hits a tilt a whirl backbreaker on Riho as we go to a break.

After the break Adora hits a backbreaker to Riho before Riho hits a jawbreaker to Adora off the top rope then follows it up with a crossbody from the top rope and a tijeras.

She connects with a 619 but Adora hits her with a kick.

Riho then hits a Crucifix Bomb follow by running double knees for the win.

Winner: Riho

We then head backstage to the parking lot of the arena and see Saraya & Harley Cameron make Ruby Soho watch Zak Zodiac attack Angelo Parker ahead of Parker & Soho’s date.

AEW World Title #1 Contenders All Star 8 Man Scramble Qualifying Match
Mangus vs. Matt Sydal

Matt Sydal offers his hand to Magnus but Magnus kicks it away and they lock up.

Sydal hits an arm drag and a hurricanrana then follows it up with a sunset flip.

He then hits a reverse hurricanrana and a kick on Magnus’ jaw before he ascends to the top rope and hits a splash on the outside.

He gets him back inside the ring and hits a leg lariat then connects with a corkscrew as we go to a break.

After the break Magnus hits a boot to Sydal’s midsection as he looks to fly.

He plants him face first but Sydal hits a hurricanrana and a series of kicks to Magnus’ chest and back.

He then hits a pair of knees to Magnus’ midsection and a roundhouse kick on his head before landing an enzuigiri in the corner. Sydal looks to fly off the ropes but Magnus trips him.

Sydal then ascends to the top rope but Magnus trips him and joins him up there.

Sydal sends him crashing into the mat with a forearm, then lands a pair of flying double knees.

Magnus sends Sydal crashing into the mat then hits a leg drop and ascends to the top rope.

Sydal trips Magnus and meets him at the top rope then looks to land a hurricanrana.

Magnus ducks out of the way and Sydal is sent crashing into the mat.

Magnus then hits the running double knees in the corner for the win

Winner & Gets Into The AEW World Title #1 Contenders All Star 8 Man Scramble Match: Mangus