AEW Rampage: Winter Is Coming Review – December 15, 2023

AEW Rampage: Winter Is Coming Review – December 15, 2023

Trios Match
International Champion Orange Cassidy & The Von Erichs (Marshall & Ross) vs. Angelo Parker, Matt Menard & Jake Hager

Ross Von Erich & Angelo Parker lock up to get this match started before Ross executes a mat return before they take turns locking in submission holds on one another.

Ross lands a dropkick then delivers a 2nd one in the corner and tags in Marshall Von Erich & hits a dropkick of his own.

Matt Menard tags in and Marshall delivers an elbow drop to him. Jake Hager & Orange Cassidy tag in and Cassidy looks to put his hands in his pocket.

Hager intercepts him and sends him crashing into the corner spine first then sits him on the top turnbuckle. Cassidy stands up and hops down then hits a tornado DDT to Hager.

Menard & Parker double team on Cassidy as the referee is distracted by Hager as we go to a break.

After the break Hager whips Cassidy into the corner and lands a Vader Bomb then Marshall becomes legal and catches Menard & Parker with clotheslines then delivers a dropkick to Parker that sends him crashing out of the ring.

Ross, Hager & Cassidy all get involved after getting into the ring but they are sent crashing to the outside.

Parker rolls up Marshall but Marshall kicks out then Marshall rolls up Parker for the win.

Winners: International Champion Orange Cassidy & The Von Erichs (7:40)
Rate: 6

After the match Parker, Menard & Hager beat down Cassidy & The Von Erichs before Danhausen looks to curse them but they overpower him. Kevin Von Erich then makes his way down to the ring allowing Cassidy to deliver the Orange Punch to Hager. Kevin locks in Iron Claw on Hager.

Tag Team Match
The Don Callis Family (Powerhouse Hobbs & Kyle Fletcher) vs. Hunter Grey & Paul Titan

The Don Callis Family go straight after Paul Titan & Hunter Grey then Kyle Fletcher continues beating down Titan in the corner and Powerhouse Hobbs catches him with a spinebuster.

Fletcher hits a boot to Grey that sends him crashing to the outside and Hobbs hits World’s Most Dangerous Slam to Titan for the win.

Winners: The Don Callis Family (0:44)
Rate: N/A (It’s under a minute)

After the match Don Callis grabs a mic and says that The Don Callis Family has won their Tag Team matches faster than any other tag team in the company. He says all anyone wants to talk about is The Golden Jets and tells Chris Jericho that fear is what brought him together with Kenny Omega. He says they were both afraid after what The Don Callis Family did to them both and says he will revolutionize wrestling with The Don Callis Family Rules. He says any 2 members of The Don Callis Family can beat The Golden Jets or any other tag team at any time moving forward.

Anna Jay vs. Red Velvet

Match starts off with a lock up before Anna Jay offers her hand to Red Velvet but pulls it away and looks for the Dangerous Jay kick but Velvet avoids it and they take turns rolling one another up.

Velvet delivers a kick to Jay’s jaw, then jams her boot into her neck before Jay sends Velvet crashing to the outside and uses the ring post as leverage to lock in a Bow & Arrow as we go to a break.

After the break Velvet hits a suplex to Jay then looks for a Corkscrew Kick but Jay ducks out of the way and hits a Gory Buster as Matt Menard marches down to the ring capturing her attention so Velvet takes advantage and rolls Jay up but Jay kicks out.

Velvet hits a clothesline and Menard hops up onto the apron then Velvet takes a shot at him opening the door for Jay to lock in the Queen Slayer & Velvet taps out.

Winner By Submission: Anna Jay (7:32)
Rate: 5

Trios Match
Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) & Action Andretti vs. El Hijo Del Vikingo, Pentagon Jr & Komander

Match starts off with Dante Martin & Komander shaking hands then they lock up and Komander hits Tijeras before El Hijo Del Vikingo & Action Andretti then become legal and go at it with one another.

Darius Martin & Pentagon tags in and they exchange chops with one another before Darius lands a dropkick but Pentagon delivers a superkick and a pair of Sling Blades as we go to a break.

After the break Vikingo levels Top Flight before hitting Action Andretti with an enzuigiri then Pentagon tags in and delivers a superkick to Andretti then hits Top Flight with a pair of double DDTs.

Komander hits a tornado DDT to Andretti but Dante takes him down with a knee to his jaw. Vikingo gets Dante up on his shoulders and lands a GTS then delivers a kick to the back of Dante’s head and follows it up with a leg drop.

Darius plants Vikingo but Pentagon catches him with a superkick and a 2nd kick to his midsection. Dante fires off elbows on Komander on the apron and looks to fly.

Pentagon catches him with a Codebreaker on the apron but Andretti takes him down with a Death Valley Driver.

Komander delivers a step up hurricanrana to Andretti then looks to fly to level Darius.

Darius catches him with a German suplex mid air and Vikingo hits a Code Red to take him out. Dante hits a monkey flip on Vikingo & Pentagon takes him down.

Andretti delivers a chop to Pentagon back in the ring and Pentagon lands one of his own on him then they go back & forth with Darius, Vikingo, Komander & Dante joining on.

Pentagon, Vikingo & Komander run the ropes but Top Flight & Andretti catch them with superkicks then they run the ropes but Pentagon, Vikingo & Komander do the same before everyone levels one another with big boots.

Top Flight is dumped out of the ring and Pentagon looks to run the ropes with Vikingo but Top Flight catches them with double Spanish Flys and Dante plants Komander for the win.

Winners: Top Flight & Action Andretti (16:08)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)