Becky Lynch Comments On How She Handles The Creative Process In WWE

Becky Lynch discussed how she manages the creative process in WWE in an interview with the United Kingdom’s Cosmopolitan.

“I have a good amount of input into my storylines. I think in recent months, I’ve changed my outlook on how I approach my creative process,” she said. “I used to get so hung up on my ideas and ‘I want my ideas to go exactly my way,’ and if they didn’t go my way, I would be in a bad mood all day, and I’d let everybody know about it. I’d fight, and I’d fight, and I’d fight, and then if it didn’t go my way, then I’d still be fighting until I came back through the curtain.

That takes up a lot of energy. Instead of doing that, now, I will take whatever creative is given to me, and I will say okay, well whether I like this or not. ‘Can we change this? Okay, we can’t. Great. How do I make this the best it can possibly be?’ So that is my creative process now is kind of giving in to, ‘it’s not my company, it’s not my sandbox.’ My job is to make it as good as possible and get the fans and the people to care as much as possible.”

You can check out the interview below:

(h/t to Robert DeFelice for the transcription)