Mike Santana Discusses TNA Keeping His Return A Secret, Backstage Atmosphere In The Company

TNA Wrestling star Mike Santana recently appeared on an episode of the Battleground podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including the company keeping his return a secret.

Santana said, “They picked me up at the airport the night before and I had to, like, sneak everywhere and stay stuck in a hotel room for, like, hours. But, yeah, it was all exciting, and I’m still -– I think I’m still living off that high.”

On the backstage atmosphere in TNA:

“There’s nothing like it. Everyone is tight-knit, everyone protects that locker room, everyone is on the same page, it’s a huge family there, and I’m thankful that I got to see that and it didn’t change since me being gone,” said Santana. “I knew that if I wanted to continue to grow and wanted to, you know, be able to bet on myself and the things that I knew I needed to do to enable to grow, TNA was the place for me.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.