Ronda Rousey To Triple H: “I Can’t Be Associated With Mediocrity”

(Photo Credit: WWE)

Ronda Rousey is still making media appearances to promote her new autobiography, which will be released soon. She has made headlines for her comments about the WWE.

Rousey has made it clear in a variety of ways that she does not intend to return to WWE after two separate stints there. In interviews leading up to the release of her book, the former WWE star blasted Vince McMahon, John Laurinaitis, and Bruce Prichard.

Rousey spoke with Rick Ucchino of Cageside Seats about her frustration with her second run with WWE before leaving last year. Before leaving, Rousey had a lengthy discussion with Triple H about her frustrations.

“I had a long sit down with Triple H and I was like, ‘I can’t be associated with mediocrity.’ That’s what they seemed to be happy with at the time. I hope that is different now, but I can’t say… that I’ve ever experienced it any other way,” Rousey said.

Rosey praised Triple H for being kind to the women and believing in them. She explained that he was the sole reason she was there because he believed in her. She went on to say that she wishes she had spent her entire career under Triple H’s creative direction, rather than just a few months.