Seth Rollins Gives Encouraging Update On His MCL Injury And Timeline For An In-Ring Return

(Photo Credit: WWE)

During an interview with ESPN MMA with Daniel Cormier, WWE World Heavyweight Champion Rollins provided an update on his injury.

Rollins said, “Dodged a bullet, the ACL is intact, the MCL will heal with time, I’m hoping to be back at full strength in around a month, [that’s] my kinda timeline. We’re gonna take it day-to-day, I’d like to be back in a month, I don’t wanna walk into Wrestlemania & that be my first match in 2/3 months, that’s not gonna be good for me.”

“I want be able to get back in there, test the wheels & make sure we’re in a good place so we’ll see how it goes. I’m happy we dodged a bullet & wasn’t anything too serious that was gonna put me on the shelf for 6-9 months.”