The Undertaker spoke on his latest “Six Feet Under” podcast about Hulk Hogan being overwhelmingly booed by fans during his appearance at the WWE Raw on Netflix debut episode.
Featured below are some of the highlights.
On Hogan’s reaction to being booed: “When I saw him, he was no selling it and pushing his beer. I wasn’t backstage when he came (to the back).”
On if he felt bad for Hogan for getting the overwhelmingly negative reaction from fans: “I got feelings for people. Sometimes, in life, things come back. He was bigger than life, Americana kinda of deal, then obviously, he gets caught on tape saying some derogatory, racist things. In this day and age, where all of that is such a hot-button deal, I don’t know what you expect. People are going to react and they are not going to react in a positive way.”
On how fans may have learned about Hogan’s negative reputation behind-the-scenes: “That’s probably a good point. Fans have access now to everything. They get to hear people’s interviews and they feel like they are part of that locker room. This is somebody that was, regardless of where he’s at now, they still carry a grudge about it. He’s comeback before, since all of the stuff with his daughter and the racial stuff. He’s come back and gotten positive reactions.”
Check out the complete podcast below. H/T to Fightful.com for transcribing the above quotes.