The Netflix documentary series about former WWE owner Vince McMahon premiered today, with Vince’s comments made prior to his 2022 “hush money” scandal.
In the sixth episode, Vince revealed the following about himself:
“I’ve got two different brains. I have, like, computers in my head, and sometimes they work against me. I have one computer talking to you right now, and there’s another going on with me thinking something completely different. And then there’s a third one sometimes. If I wanted to tap into it, I could. And so it’s difficult for me sometimes to pay attention to things. And it’s bothered me through the years because all I wanted to be was just normal. I wanted to fit in. But I deal with it because that’s who you are. Just deal with events. It doesn’t matter what you want to be this way or you want to be that way.”
The interviewer then asked, “What’s that other brain thinking right now?” Vince responded with “Something having a lot of fun and is involving sex.”
Vince McMahon stated that he feels he basically has two brains, like multiple computers in his head thinking of different things at the same time. He said his 2nd brain is thinking of "Something having a lot of fun, & is involving sex." #MrMcMahon
— Tim Jarrell of PWUnlimited (@TimmyBuddy) September 25, 2024