WWE Main Event Results – September 14, 2023

WWE Main Event Results – September 14, 2023

Bronson Reed vs. Riddick Moss

Match starts off with a lock up and they jockey for position around the ring then Bronson Reed backs Riddick Moss into the corner and lands some body shots. Moss fights back but can’t get an Irish whip. Reed sends Moss into the corner but a charge meets a boot to the face. Moss comes off the middle rope and knocks Reed back into the corner.

Moss tries the 10 punch in the corner but gets drop face first on the top turnbuckle then a corner splash followed by a German suplex from Reed. Moss throws some elbows and avoids a splash in the corner. He tries a slam but no dice as Reed falls back on him for a two count then Moss gets a jawbreaker but Reed comes back with a slam.

He misses a Senton and Moss starts throwing lefts and rights then Reed pushes him off so Moss hits a running shoulder in the corner and then does it 2 more times. Running clothesline knocks Reed off his feet and he bails to the floor. Moss follows and lands a running forearm. Reed reverses a whip and sends Moss into the apron.

Reed comes off the apron with a flying shoulder then he sends Moss back into the ring and heads up top. Moss up and meets him on the top rope. Moss gets knock down but gets back up and hits the ropes to knock Reed off balance.

He crashes to the mat and Moss hits the SOS Slam for a 2 count then Moss misses a charge in the corner and Reed hits a running shoulder followed by a Senton follow by Tsunami to score the win.

Winner: Bronson Reed

Tag Team Match
Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) vs. Cedric Alexander & Shelton Benjamin

Erik & Cedric Alexander starts this match and Erik backs Alexander into the corner and yells in his face. Alexander gets some advice from Shelton Benjamin and apparently it’s to yell back as that’s what he does in the opposite corner.

Alexander snaps off a headscissors and makes the tag to Benjamin & he hits a back elbow and Alexander drops an elbow. Ivar runs in and eats a knee to the face. Benjamin gets a few throws and lands some body punches in the corner.

Tag is made to Alexander and he scales the ropes in the corner to catch Ivar with a boot but gets too cute and Erik hits a knee to the face as we go to a break.

After the break Alexander eating a bunch of elbows in the corner from Ivar then Ivar with a snapmare into a cover for a two count and then he hooks a jaw submission then he uses the hair to pull Alexander down and drops a fist for a two count.

Tag to Erik and he cuts Alexander off from making a tag before Alexander hits a handspring off the ropes into a double Neuralizer. Hot tag to Benjamin and he hits Stinger Splashes on everyone the a leaping shoulder sends Ivar to the mat. Benjamin ducks a clothesline and nails a Angle Slam for a two count.

Benjamin hooks an Ankle Lock but Erik breaks that up so Benjamin catches him with one as well. Ivar back and he runs Benjamin down before Ragnarok is blocked by Alexander and both teams brawl in the ring.

Alexander flies over the top onto Ivar. Benjamin gets a knee in the corner but gets distracted by Valhalla. Alexander gets caught with a knee and then a tag to Ivar & they hit Ragnarok for the win.

Winners: Viking Raiders