WWE NXT Level Up Results – December 1, 2023

(Image Credit: WWE)

WWE NXT Level Up Results – December 1, 2023

Von Wagner vs. Luca Crusifino

Von Wagner dominates early and no sells some chops from Luca Crusifino then Wagner mauls him in the corner and hits a discus punch. Crusifino avoids a charge in the corner but Wagner drops him with a leaping clothesline.

Crusifino is able to get in a shot and follows with a reverse neckbreaker for one then catches Wagner with a back elbow and falls on his ass with him & that gets a two count.

He hooks a neck crank before Wagner gets to his feet and punches his way out but Crusifino fires back with right hands. Wagner no sells and hits a series of clotheslines.

He sets too early on back drop but no sells the kick and gets a belly 2 back suplex before a running splash in the corner followed by a double under hook suplex then a rotating Powerbomb gets the win.

Winner: Von Wagner

Elektra Lopez vs. Brinley Reece

Match starts off with a lock up and they jockey for position then they collide in the ring and neither budges. Another go and this time Elektra Lopez runs Brinley Reece down before a clothesline is ducked twice and Reece gets a flying shoulder followed by an arm drag into an armbar.

Another series of arm drags and back to the armbar then Reece does some push ups on Lopez while maintaining the armbar. Lopez breaks and levels Reece with a right hand. She connects with an elbow in the corner and drops another on the mat for a two count.

Lopez uses the top rope to choke and connects with a knee to the face before a basement dropkick gets a two count. Headbutt by Lopez followed by a neckbreaker for a two count.

She hooks a modified Cobra Clutch before  Reece fights to get a backslide for a two count then Lopez misses an elbow and Reece makes her comeback. She delivers some elbows and gets a slam.

She hits a back flip into a splash before a handstand flip into a clothesline looks a lot better.

She breaks out a TKO for a two count then Lola Vice gets involved as she grabs the leg and that lets Lopez hits Choke Bomb for the win.

Winner: Elektra Lopez

Drew Gulak vs. Tavion Heights

Match starts off with a lock up and Drew Gulak quickly gets a go behind before Tavion Heights breaks and cartwheels across the ring then gets a leg trip and works the ankle.

Gulak kicks away but gets slam down and Heights goes back to the ankle then some rope running sequence ends with Heights getting a slam for a two count and he goes back to the ankle. Gulak kicks his way out and they trade standing switches.

Gulak uses leverage to run Tavion through the ropes then Myles Borne eats one for the team which lets Charlie Dempsey land a forearm to the back then in the ring Gulak hooks a a kneebar and connects with a dropkick to the knee.

Gulak with a crossface but Heights gets to his feet and fights for an inverted atomic drop to break before he gets caught by Gulak on the apron as he drops Heights throat first on the top rope. Gulak heads up top and comes off with a clothesline for a two count.

To the corner where Gulak lands some punches but Heights fights back so Gulak kicks him in the gut before Heights throws some strikes and gets an overhead throw.

Sling blade follows then Heights decks Borne on the apron and throws Dempsey into the ring. Just a mistake by Heights as he gets caught with a rolling elbow for the win.

Winner: Drew Gulak