WWE Raw Review – April 15, 2024

WWE Raw Review – April 15, 2024

Kicking off this week’s Raw with Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley says fans obviously know what’s going on then says after Liv Morgan attacked her last week, she was told that she’ll be stuck on the bench for quite a few months. She says she’s angry and pissed off because she’s been told she has to vacate the Women’s World Title. She expresses how much the title means to her then lays it down in the ring.

Ripley says everything that’s happening is because of her revenge tour, then says she could’ve had respect for her if she met her face 2 face instead of blindsiding her backstage. She puts whoever the new champion is on notice and says she will be coming for blood when she returns.

Morgan’s music hits and she makes her way down to the ring. Officials hold her back as they do Ripley. They exchange words before Morgan retreats to the back. Ripley then headbutts one of the security guards out of frustration.

After the break we see Ripley hug the rest of Judgment Day backstage. World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest tells Ripley Morgan will regret ever messing with her and she will come back more dangerous than ever. Ripely tells Judgment Day to stay on top while she’s gone.

Sheamus vs. Ivar

Match starts off with a lock up then they try leveling one another with shoulder tackles but both remain on their feet.

They then exchange strikes and Sheamus runs Ivar over with a shoulder tackle.

He sets up for 10 Beats Of The Bodhran but Ivar counters into a jawbreaker.

Ivar then ascends to the top rope but Sheamus catches him with a series of right hands and joins him up there & hits White Noise to Ivar off the middle rope as we go to a break.

After the break Sheamus hits a bodyslam to Ivar.

He follows it up with 10 Beats Of The Bodhran and gets Ivar up on his shoulders but Ivar escapes and connects with a kick.

He follows it up with a spinning back heel kick and ascends to the top rope then hits a splash and goes for a pin but Sheamus kicks out.

Ivar fires off right hands on Sheamus in the corner but Sheamus gets fired up and lands a few of his own. Ivar looks to fly off the ropes but Sheamus takes him down mid air.

He follows it up with a bicycle knee follow by Brogue Kick for the win.

Winner: Sheamus

After the match Sheamus celebrates his win with Michael Cole & Pat McAfee.

Michael Cole set up a video package on Sami Zayn vs. Chad Gable while also recapping their recent history.

Triple H says it’s hard to believe that only 8 days ago, we were in the midst of the biggest WrestleMania of all time. He says a new era started and Adam Pearce says that a new era began for the tag team division as well and addresses the separation of the Raw & SmackDown Tag Team Titles at WrestleMania 40 in the Fatal 6 Way Ladder Match then introduces Raw Tag Team Champions Awesome Truth and he makes his way down to the ring.

R Truth does the splits in the ring and Triple H congratulates Awesome Truth on becoming the new Raw Tag Team Titles. He tells Truth that seeing him have his WrestleMania moment was awesome and announces that from now on they will be known as the World Tag Team Champions. He unveils a cloth and reveals new titles.

Truth becomes excited and says he’s never seen a trick like the one Triple H just did. He says Triple H just made titles appear out of nowhere and calls it Criss Angel stuff. He says he knows good magicians when he sees one. Triple H tells Miz to explain what happened to Truth, and Miz informs Truth that Triple H is not a magician.

Truth brings up Little Jimmy and asks what else Triple H is hiding but Miz reins him in and tells him that it’s their chance to take the new World Tag Team Titles to new heights. Miz says that’s why Pearce & Triple H but before he can continue Truth asks where Triple H is. He then tells Triple H that he sees through him and thinks that he’s Tommaso Ciampa. Miz then tells Truth in French that the titles on the table are their new ones and Truth finally begins to understand what’s going on.

Triple H takes the Raw Tag Team Titles from Awesome Truth then hands them their new titles. He wishes Pearce luck and leaves the ring. Pearce then asks Truth why he made Triple H leave the ring and Truth says Triple H wasn’t out in the ring. Pearce gives up on trying and says a Triple Threat #1 Contenders match will determine their 1st challengers.

As New Day were coming out there was a “glitch” with a chime and a couple of symbols appeared briefly on the screen.

World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Triple Threat Match
Creed Brothers (Julius & Brutus) vs. New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) vs. DIY (Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano)

Brutus Creed, Xavier Woods & Johnny Gargano starts this match with Woods rains down right hands on Brutus.

Gargano pulls Woods off and does the same but Brutus hits Gargano with a forearm.

Brutus, Woods & Gargano then take turns rolling one another up before Brutus hits a double clothesline to Gargano & Woods.

Julius Creed tags in and Creed Brothers look to hit a double suplex to Woods & Gargano but Tommaso Ciampa & Kofi Kingston get inside the ring.

Everyone begins brawling with one another before DIY knocks New Day & Creed Brothers to the outside.

DIY looks to fly to level Creed Brothers but Creed Brothers catch them.

New Day then flies to level everyone on the outside as we go to a break.

After the break Julius, Ciampa & Kingston exchange strikes in the center of the ring.

Julius connects with a jumping knee on Ciampa then cinches in an Ankle Lock on Kingston.

Ciampa breaks the hold and everyone begins brawling with one another once again.

They all take turns leveling each other before Ciampa hits Project Ciampa as Gargano flies to level everyone else on the outside.

Woods tags in and hits a kick to Ciampa’s head. He follows it up with tornado DDT and a clothesline then hits a spinning forearm to Brutus.

Kingston tags in and hits a kick to Ciampa’s head but Ciampa is sent crashing into the ring post shoulder first.

New Day then hits a wheelbarrow/leg drop combination but Julius hits Kingston with a belly 2 belly suplex. He connects with ones on Woods & DIY then tags in Brutus.

Kingston ascends to the top rope but Julius joins him up there and hits a suplex.

Woods then hits Limit Break to Julius off the top rope and goes for a pin but DIY breaks the fall by connecting with Meeting In The Middle for the win.

Winners & #1 Contenders To The World Tag Team Titles: DIY

Footage aired of CM Punk costing Drew McIntyre last week’s #1 Contenders match.

Drew McIntyre was shown laughing as he watched the footage with Jackie Redmond on a backstage television. Redmond said that wasn’t the reaction she expected from McIntyre but he hits the television with a Claymore.

Tag Team Match
Indi Hartwell & Candice LeRae vs. Maxxine Dupri & Ivy Nile

Match starts off with Indi Hartwell & Ivy Nile lock up before Nile hits a dropkick and an enzuigiri to Hartwell then tags in Maxxine Dupri.

Dupri hits a crossbody off the top rope then follows it up with a German suplex and goes for a pin.

Hartwell kicks out and LeRae gets halfway into the ring ready to break the fall if needed.

Dupri momentarily becomes distracted by her allowing Hartwell to clock her and tag in LeRae. LeRae continues wearing down Dupri then tags Hartwell back in.

LeRae tags in and prevents Dupri from making a tag out to Nile.

Dupri hits a knee to LeRae’s midsection and hits her with a flatliner then looks to tag in Nile.

Hartwell captures the referee’s attention and Nile tags in but the referee doesn’t see the tag and kicks Nile out of the ring.

Hartwell takes advantage and lands a boot on Dupri while the referee isn’t looking then puts LeRae on top of Dupri for the win.

Winners: Indi Hartwell & Candice LeRae

Photos were shown of World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest posing for a photo with New York Yankees star Aaron Judge at Yankees Stadium.

A Damian Priest video package aired. It closed with Priest saying that his name and his title reign will live forever.

Damian Priest fired up a somber Judgment Day inside their clubhouse. Priest told Dominik Mysterio that he would take care of Andrade & JD McDonagh would help him get it done.

Finn Balor told Priest that their focus should be on getting the World Tag Team Titles back and questioned why he was facing Jey Uso. Priest told Balor that he needed The Prince to teach Jey the meaning of the word loss. Priest said he would teach Jey the meaning of the word pain at Backlash. Priest asked Balor if he was good with that. Balor laughed and said of course and then they bumped fists.

After the break we see footage aired from earlier in the day of Jamie Redmond interviewing Chad Gable as he was working out in the ring with the Creed Brothers. Gable said his Intercontinental Title match meant everything to him. He said he was excited about the match. Redmond asked Gable how he prepared for facing a pro Zayn crowd. Gable said that when he made the Olympic team in 2012, he was a Minnesota guy in Iowa. He said not one person in the building wanted him to win the match but he did. Gable said Zayn let him see his weakness during training and now he would expose them.

Andrade vs. Dominik Mysterio

Dominik Mysterio hits a chop to Andrade then he cinches in a side headlock but Andrade catches him with a shoulder tackle and ascends to the top rope.

He connects with a crossbody and 3 Amigos but Mysterio reverses into a 3 Amigos of his own on the 3rd one.

Andrade ascends to the top rope and looks to fly but JD McDonagh hops up on the apron.

This opens the door for Mysterio to trip Andrade as we go to a break.

After the break Andrade looks to fly off the top rope but Mysterio moves out of the way and hits a Canadian Destroyer to Andrade on the apron.

He gets him back in the ring and goes for a pin but Mysterio kicks out.

McDonagh hops onto the apron but Andrade clocks him then hits The Message for the win.

Winner: Andrade

After the match McDonagh blindsides Andrade in the ring and gets Mysterio back up to his feet Mysterio holds Andrade in place as McDonagh fires off forearms on him. Ricochet runs down to the ring to even the odds and McDonagh & Mysterio retreat.

We get footage from Smackdown of The Bloodline drama that included the debut of Tama Tonga.

Backstage Jey Uso was interviewed by Cathy Kelley & Kelley asked Jey about what happened to his brother Jimmy Uso on Smackdown. Jey said The Bloodline were going down a dark and dangerous road and were adding members that he didn’t even know about. As far as Jimmy goes well I told him to come with me Jey said. Jey got upbeat while saying that Finn Balor was about to catch a beatdown.

Tag Team Match
Piper Niven & Chelsea Green vs. Kayden Carter & Katana Chance

Piper Niven & Kayden Carter lock up to get this match started before Katana Chance tags in and double teams on Niven with Carter but Niven levels both of them and tags in Green.

Niven hits Chance with a discus clothesline and Green charges at her in the corner.

Chance catches her with a boot then tags in Carter.

Carter & Chance double team on Green but Green slaps Carter and looks to tag out to Niven.

Carter pulls her back into the corner, then delivers a series of chops and a swinging reverse STO. Chance looks to fly but Niven catches her with a fallaway slam.

Carter sends Green crashing into the mat and goes for a pin but Niven breaks the fall and hits a running low crossbody to Carter. Green then rolls up Carter for the win.

Winners: Piper Niven & Chelsea Green

We get a recapped of Rhea Ripley forfeiting the Women’s World Title due to injury then being taunted by Liv Morgan.

Backstage Liv Morgan was interviewed by Cathy Kelley & Morgan said she didn’t understand the negative reaction. She said her revenge tour would end with her becoming the Women’s World Champion

Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes asks Montreal what they want to talk about (in French) then thanks Adam Pearce for letting him hang out on Raw even though he’s technically a SmackDown star. He says WrestleMania 40 can’t be reflected on forever then addresses his 2 potential next challengers or the Undisputed WWE Title in LA Knight or AJ Styles. He says he could talk about Seth Rollins for hours but he’s going to keep it brief. He thanks him then addresses The Rock and says it was news to him that he did a ten week program with a great strength and conditioning coach. He says he thinks The Rock has a lot more than one match left in him then says despite The Rock saying he was going to make him bleed, he’ll make him bleed if he does. He then invites Jey Uso out to the ring and he makes his way down.

Rhodes tells Jey that he knows when 1 member of Judgment Day is present, the rest aren’t far behind. He offers to be at ringside for Jey’s upcoming match against Finn Balor & Jey tells Rhodes he appreciates that. He says he has to do it on his own and Rhodes tells Jey he understands. He hugs him and looks to leave but stops himself and tells Jey until they yeet again.

After the break Nia Jax was interviewed by Cathy Kelley & she asked what Rhea Ripley relinquishing the Women’s World Title means to the division. Jax said she doesn’t give a damn about Ripley and the Women’s World Title is hers.

Jey Uso vs. Finn Balor

Finn Balor attacks Jey Uso in the ring before the bell sounds and Balor continues to beat him down.

Jey responds with a few right hands and a sunset flip but Balor connects with a dropkick and an elbow drop.

Balor fires off a shoulder on Jey’s midsection, then connects with a chop.

He fires off more shoulders and chops but Jey ascends to the top rope.

Balor then trips him and dropkicks him out of the ring as we go to a break.

After the break Jey hits a kick to Balor’s midsection and lands a Samoan Drop.

Balor responds with a elbow drop and stomps on Jey but Jey ascends to the top rope and looks to land Uso Splash. Balor avoids it and ascends to the top rope.

He sets up for a Coup De Grace, but Jey moves out of the way and delivers a spear.

He follows it up with Uso Splash for the win.

Winner: Jey Uso

After the match Damian Priest entered the ring and went face 2 face with Jey. Priest held up his World Heavyweight Title. JD McDonagh & Dominik Mysterio attacked Jey from behind. Balor joined in on the attack. They sent Jey to ringside. Mysterio jumped off the apron into a superkick. Jey hopped the barricade. McDonagh followed and was punched then run into Balor before Jey walks up the steps and exited through the concourse.

A camera followed Jey, who slapped hands with fans in the concourse. Jey gave a light shove to a dude who didn’t get out of his way. Jey exited the building and found Sami Zayn staring upward. Sami said the first show he ever saw was in the same building. He said he returns a champion and was would enter through the front door just as he did all those years ago.

Sami Zayn enters the venue and made noise using a recycling bind. Fans in the concourse were exited. Zayn made his entrance through the crowd. Zayn’s music played and he took a Canadian flag from a fan and wrapped his around his shoulders as he walked down the steps and then around the main floor while playing to the crowd. Zayn eventually made his way through the crowd to the ring.

After the break Chad Gable was shown at the Gorilla Position before Bronson Reed approached Gable and said that the winner of tonight’s match won’t be champion for long because that person will have to answer to him.

Intercontinental Title Match
Sami Zayn (c) vs. Chad Gable

Match starts off with a lock up then Chad Gable executes a drop toe hold then cinches in a side headlock.

Sami Zayn responds with an arm drag but Gable lands an arm drag of his own.

Zayn lands a 2nd arm drag then low bridges Gable out of the ring before Gable gets back inside and stares down Zayn as we go to a break.

After the break Zayn grabs his knee on the outside as Gable ascends to the top rope and hits a splash to him.

He gets Zayn back inside the ring then ascends to the top rope and connects with a diving headbutt.

Gable then hits a dragon screw and continues wearing down Zayn’s knee before he levels him.

Zayn responds with a clothesline and ascends to the middle rope then lands an elbow drop.

Gable rolls up Zayn but Zayn kicks out.

Gable cinches in an Ankle Lock but Zayn manages to escape sending Gable to the outside in the process. He then flies off the ropes to take Gable down as we go to a 2nd break.

After the 2nd break Gable hits a t bone superplex to Zayn.

He follows it up with a few German suplexes but Zayn connects with a few back elbows and German suplexes of his own.

Gable responds with another German suplex but Zayn lands 2 more of his own.

Zayn & Gable then exchange right hands before Zayn hits an exploder to Gable and sets up for Helluva Kick.

Gable moves out of the way before he can land it and transitions into an Ankle Lock.

Gable ascends to the top rope but Zayn counters into a powerbomb mid air.

He looks to lock in a submission but his knee gives out so he sets up for Helluva Kick but Gable avoids it and delivers a German suplex to him in the corner.

He ascends to the top rope and looks to fly but Zayn looks to get his knees up.

Gable sees him and transitions into another Ankle Lock but Zayn counters into a roll up.

Gable kicks out and Zayn hits an exploder to him in the corner then follows it up with Helluva Kick for the win.

Winner & Still Intercontinental Champion: Sami Zayn (STILL CHAMPION!!!) (Recommend)

After the match Zayn helps Gable up out of the corner. Gable holds up Zayn’s hand and exits the ring. Zayn follows suit to celebrate his win with his family but Gable blindsides him and hits a German suplex to him in front of his family. He then sends him crashing into the ring post and dumps him over the announce table then gets him back inside the ring and cinches in an Ankle Lock on him through the middle turnbuckle. Officials appear to separate them but Gable keeps the hold locked in to close out this week’s Raw.

Next Week’s Raw

World Tag Team Titles Match
Awesome Truth (The Miz & R Truth) (c) vs. DIY (Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano)

Tag Team Match
Judgement Day (Dominik Mysterio & JD McDonagh) vs. Andrade & Ricochet

Backlash Card (May 4th)

Undisputed WWE Title Match
Cody Rhodes (c) vs. LA Knight Or AJ Styles

World Heavyweight Title Match
Damian Priest (c) vs. Jey Uso