Adam Cole Talks About Wild Ride He And MJF Have Been On In AEW

Did Adam Cole expect his bro-mance with MJF to take off the way it has?

In short?


But that doesn’t mean he isn’t enjoying the hell out of the ride.

Adam Cole recently spoke with Phil Strum of Under The Ring for an interview, during which he spoke about how he didn’t expect the MJF angle to take off the way it has, but admits he is enjoying it and that it has been incredibly fun to work with “The Devil.”

“I was really hoping that people were going to be excited about it, I know quite a few people had talked about Adam Cole vs. MJF being something they wanted to see, so I was hoping that people were going to be invested and excited about it,” Cole said. “But, the attachment to the team itself? Not in a million years did I think it was going to be this popular.”

Cole continued, “Like I said, I thought people were going to have some fun with it but it’s wild. It’s taken on a life of its own and it’s been so much fun, so much fun.”

Check out the complete interview at H/T to for transcribing the above quotes.