AEW Rampage Review – February 23, 2024

AEW Rampage Review – February 23, 2024

Triple Threat Trios Match
Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) & Matt Sydal vs. Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) & Action Andretti vs. Pentagon Jr, Bryan Keith & Komander

Action Andretti lands a dropkick to Matt Sydal then hits a splash then tags in Darius Martin.

Sydal delivers a kick to the back of Darius’ thigh then follows it up with a kick.

Bryan Keith tags in and hits a boot before Kassidy becomes legal and hits a hurricanrana.

Marq Quen tags in and hits a splash off the top before Pentagon Jr tags in and he takes turns with Quen doing their signature hand gestures.

All 3 teams then hop in the ring and begin brawling with one another.

Komander delivers a hurricanrana to Dante Martin and ascends to the top. He walks the ropes then delivers an arm drag and a dropkick.

Pentagon tags in and hits a slingblade to Dante before Andretti tags in.

Komander tags in and delivers a clothesline to Andretti using Pentagon as a launch pad as we go to a break.

After the break Dante hits a springboard back elbow to Private Party then hits a pair of back elbows to Quen and a springboard splash before Keith & Darius begin brawling in the center of the ring.

Keith hits a dropkick to him that sends him crashing to the outside and Komander locks in a Bow & Arrow on Sydal on the apron.

Dante flies over them to level everyone else on the outside and Sydal hits a pair of double knees off the top rope to Komander.

Pentagon then levels him with Fear Factor and Kassidy hits him with a neckbreaker.

Kassidy hits an enzuigiri to Pentagon & Quen pulls him down with a hurricanrana.

Pentagon hits a boot to Sydal’s midsection and follows it up with Fear Factor for the win.

Winners: Pentagon Jr, Bryan Keith & Komander

We then head backstage and see The Outcasts stand by with Renee Paquette. Saraya sends a message to Ruby Soho and announces that her brother Zak Knight is now All Elite.

Tag Team Match
Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson & Nicholas Jackson) vs. Cappuccino Jones & Jonny Lyons

Nicholas Jackson fires off right hands on Jonny Lyons’ spine before Matthew Jackson & Cappuccino Jones tag in and Matthew fires off right hands on his spine.

He follows it up with a DDT then tags Nicholas back in & he hits a discus lariat to Jones then tags Matthew back in.

Nicholas ascends to the top rope and Young Bucks then hits TK Driver for the win.

Winners: Young Bucks

After the match Nicholas grabs a mic and chews out the referee for calling him Nick instead of Nicholas. He tells him he’ll be fined if he does it again then calls Tony Schiavone into the ring. He apologizes for Schiavone tripping over his shoe when him & Matthew landed the EVP Trigger on him & Matthew hands him a $25 Amazon gift card. He apologizes to him for their suits and Schiavone asks if they’ll rescind his fine. Young Bucks refuse to do so and Matthew tells Schiavone about what him & Nicholas will do to Sting and Darby Allin at Revolution. He then sends a direct message to Sting.

Tony Schiavone asks Sammy Guevara about The Don Callis Family & Guevara. Guevara says while he’s happy that he got to face a childhood hero in Jeff Hardy. Powerhouse Hobbs still put him through a table. He says Hobbs is a star on his own but it’s too late for him to figure that out. He then calls him out to the ring.

Don Callis appears instead and says all Guevara has done in the last 6 months is have a baby. He says he shouldn’t be proud of that, and says he used to be a great athlete. He says he used to be a guy he wanted in The Don Callis Family but he’s weak and pathetic.

Hobbs tries blindsiding Guevara but Guevara sees him coming and flies over the top rope to level him. He grabs a chair and cracks it across Hobbs’ spine then hits him with it in his midsection back in the ring and across his spine a 2nd time. Hobbs turns him inside out with a clothesline. He follows it up with a pair of spinebusters and a slam.

Mariah May vs. Anna Jay

Mariah May hits a double chop to Anna Jay’s chest then lock up and May trips Anna Jay.

Jay does the same to May then hits a neckbreaker before May connects with a 2nd double chop, but Jay hits a chop of her own.

After the break May hits a kick to Jay’s head before Jay responds with a kick of her own but May pulls her off the top with a hurricanrana.

She looks to land a hip attack but Jay moves out of the way and hits a modified backbreaker.

She cinches in Queen Slayer but May bites Jay’s arm to escape and connects with May Day for the win.

Winner: Mariah May

We then head backstage and see Ruby Soho & Angelo Parker catch Renee Paquette up about how their date went. Soho then responds to Saraya’s comments from earlier in the night and challenges her to meet her face 2 face next week.

Roderick Strong vs. Jake Hager

Match starts off with a lock up before Roderick Strong hits a chop to Jake Hager then slides out of the ring to take a breather.

He gets back in and looks to level Hager but Hager catches him and sends him crashing into the corner. He dumps him across the ring then charges at Strong in the corner.

Strong hops out of the ring and Hager follows him out there.

He gets him back in the ring and Strong fires off right hands on his spine after he gets back in.

Hager hits a boot and tosses Strong across the ring then hits him with a clothesline as we go to a break.

After the break Strong hits a kick to Hager and follows it up with an Angle Slam.

Hornsby, Taven & Mike Bennett find themselves face 2 face on the outside until International Champion Orange Cassidy takes Hornsby’s place and tosses Hager his signature purple bucket hat.

Cassidy brawls with Taven & Bennett on the outside as Hager puts on the hat and takes out Strong in the ring then connects with the Hager Bomb and goes for a pin but Strong kicks out.

Taven overpowers Cassidy on the outside and Strong hits a jawbreaker to Hager in the ring. Hager responds with a Doctor Bomb and goes for a pin but Strong kicks out.

Hager cinches in an Ankle Lock but the referee becomes distracted with Cassidy being dumped into the ring.

Taven & Bennett hop up onto the apron to take advantage but Hager clocks them both.

Hager then walks into a jumping knee strike from Strong for the win.

Winner: Roderick Strong