HOG Promoter Brian XL On Mike Santana: “He Is In The Best Shape Of His Life”

House Of Glory promoter Brian XL recently spoke with Fightful on a number of topics including how former AEW star Mike Santana is in his prime and he is in the best shape of his life.

XL said, “Santana is my guy. I think he’s in his prime. He’s in the best shape of his life. He’s still young, he’s still hungry. If you watch the matches since he won the World Title, you’ll understand what I mean. He gives it his all in that ring. I feel he has a lot left and I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets picked up real soon. He’s talented. He loves wrestling. What I judge people on, there are guys that are signed in AEW, and a lot of these guys don’t need to do indies. They have money, they’re good. When guys like Pentagon and others do indies, it shows they do it for the love of the sport because they don’t have to do that. Santana, he had a good contract. He doesn’t care about the money, it’s more getting in the ring and wrestling in front of people. When they have big contracts and they’re still doing indies, it shows how hungry they are. I respect them for that. Santana is one of those guys.”

On if they have spoken about Santana’s AEW exit:

“Me and him have been going back and forth since he came back. I went to see him at AEW. We had long conversations there and on the phone. Even the things happening behind the scenes with him. I remember one time he called me at one in the morning and something was happening over there, he was with AEW, I don’t want to go into too much detail, but I always trying to give him my best advice. He’s my brother. He takes it if he wants, and when I have something, I ask him for advice. We went back and forth for things. I think he made the right decision staying there until the contract ran out, and now he’s hungry and ready to go. He has something to prove.”

You can check out XL’s comments in the video below.

(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)