Impact Wrestling Review – July 13, 2023

Impact Wrestling Review – July 13, 2023

Impact World Tag Team Champion Chris Bey vs. Zachary Wentz

Match starts off with Chris Bey hits a running back elbow to Zachary Wentz in the corner then goes to the top rope and hits a lariat but Wentz kicks out. Bey & Wentz exchange kicks, before Bey hits the Code Red for a two count.

Trey Miguel looks to distract Bey but Ace Austin comes to help but he gets clotheslined by Miguel then Wentz hits a front facelock DDT on Bey for the win.

Winner: Zachary Wentz

Backstage Scott D’Amore is with Santino Marella and The Rascalz walks up to him and asked if they were going to be added to the Impact World Tag Team Titles match at Slammiversary. Marella said he saw them cheat and he’s not adding them to the match. Miguel says he’ll regret it.

A video package aired about the Impact World Champion Alex Shelley & Nick Aldis feud. Shelley said he taught some of the things he knows but he didn’t teach all of it. Shelley says at Slammiversary he’s doing it for his generation.

Mike Bailey vs. Kevin Knight

Mike Bailey goes to the top rope but Kevin Knight brings him down with a leaping Frankensteiner before he jumps at Bailey but eats a kick to the face. Bailey pops up Knight & he dropkicks Bailey but Bailey returns with a Penalty Kick.

Bailey goes to the top rope but Kevin Knight leaps to the top rope and hits a superplex before Bailey hits Ultima Weapon for the win.

Winner: Mike Bailey

A vignette with Masha Slamovich & Killer Kelly & Slamovich speaks in Russian. Kelly says that at Slammiversary the Knockouts Tag Team Titles will be theirs.

Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry comes out for his next match & Hendry says usually he talks about himself but this time he’ll talk about himself. It’s about someone people know as Stripper Kenny. Joe says it’s a free country and they can chant whatever they want but if they chant Stripper Kenny it will hurt Kenny’s feelings. He says another 2 words they could chant is We believe before bringing out his partner Yuya Uemura.

Tag Team Match
Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry & Yuya Uemura vs. Kenny King & Sheldon Jean

Kenny King hits the Eddy Gordo kick on Hendry and looks for a crossbody but gets caught and hit with a fallaway slam then Hendry hits a cutter before Sheldon Jean enters the ring but Yuya Uemura hits a dropkick.

King hits a Tiger Driver on Uemura before Hendry pulls the hoodie off King then Hendry hits Standing Ovation on Jean for the win.

Winners: Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry & Yuya Uemura

A vignette with Lio Rush & he talks about Chris Sabin and says he’s coming to win the X Division Title then he says at Slammiversary he’s going to find out why they call him the Bad Child.

Backstage interview with X Division Champion Chris Sabin and he says he understands why nobody wants anything to do with Lio Rush. He took a cheat code to jump ahead of the line. He says Lio Rush will be humbled and Sabin will still be X Division Champion.

Tag Team Match
Moose & Brian Myers vs. Rich Swann & Sami Callihan

Moose looks to hit a powerbomb but Rich Swann gets out of it and hits a kick. Swann gets the tag to Sami Callihan & he clears house then he hits a bulldog and clothesline combination on Moose & Brian Myers before Callihan looks for the Cactus Driver 97 but Moose gets out of it and they clothesline each other.

Callihan pushes Myers into a cutter by Swann & Swann goes for a pin but Moose pushes Callihan onto them then Moose goes to the top rope but Swann hits an assisted Frankensteiner.

Callihan hits a Death Valley Driver and Swann hits a 450 Splash but Moose kick out then Myers pulls Swann out of the ring and Moose low blows Callihan when the referee isn’t looking and hits spear for the win.

Winners: Moose & Brian Myers

We get a pre taped promo from Subculture & Mark Andrews says they get another shot at the Impact World Tag Team Titles at Slammiversary and they will win it.

A vignette for Alan Angels & says he’s not just concerned about winning but also the thrill. He is going to spread his wings like an Angel would. He says he’s going to make his mark at Slammiversary and X marks the spot.

Tom Hannifan & Matt Rehwoldt go through the card for Slammiversary.

A video package airs for Nick Aldis who said that he had done everything there was to be done and he talked to Impact management, and he told them he wants to go after the World Title and they said okay. He says that Alex Shelley says that this is the house that he built. He asks where Shelley was when Aldis beat Jeff Hardy for the TNA World Heavyweight Title, retired Sting or beat Kurt Angle. He says Shelley spews nonsense but people don’t want to upset him and his cult weirdos but Aldis doesn’t care. He says at Slammiversary Shelley will either end up on his back or his face.

Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo comes out and says if anything feels they can come up against her then they can step up so Jody Threat’s music hits & she makes her way down to the ring.

Knockouts Title Match
Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs. Jody Threat

Jody Threat hits the double knees on Deonna Purrazzo followed by a German Suplex for a two count then Threat goes for a submission but Purrazzo goes for Queen’s Gambit which Threat gets out of. Jody goes to the top rope and hits a cannonball followed by a clothesline for two.

Jody goes for the F Bomb but Purrazzo gets out of it and gets the armbar but Threat rolls out of it then Threat picks up Purrazzo and dumps her down for two.

Threat looks for F Bomb again but Purrazzo counters it into a Venus De Milo and Threat as no choice but to tap out.

Winner By Submission & Still Knockouts Champion: Deonna Purrazzo (STILL CHAMPION!!!!!)

After the match Gisele Shaw & Jai Vidal come out to attack Deonna Purrazzo but then Death Dollz comes out to even the score then Knockouts Tag Team Champions The Coven come out to brawl with Death Dollz. Killer Kelly & Masha Slamovich come out. Trinity comes out and goes after all the heels. The ring clears and Trinity & Deonna Purrazzo are the only ones left standing. They both look to pick the Knockouts Title off the floor then they start hitting forearms on each other until security pulls them off from each other.

A video package airs with comments from all the participants on Slammiversary.

After the credits, we see Scott D’Amore on the phone and he says they tried everything and this time PCO can’t come back to life so he asks, Can you? as they show a Team Canada shirt lying around.

Slammiversary Card (July 15th)

Knockouts Title Match
Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs. Trinity

Impact World Title Match
Alex Shelley (c) vs. Nick Aldis

Tag Team Match
Scott D’Amore & TBD vs. Bully Ray & Deaner

Impact World Tag Team Titles Fatal 4 Way Match
ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (c) vs. Subculture (Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster) vs. Moose & Brian Myers vs. Sami Callihan & Rich Swann

X Division Title #1 Contenders Fatal 5 Way Ultimate X Match
Mike Bailey vs. Jonathan Gresham vs. Angels vs. Kushida vs. Kevin Knight

X Division Title Match
Chris Sabin (c) vs. Lio Rush

Knockouts Tag Team Titles Match
The Coven (Taylor Wilde & Kilynn King) (c) vs. Masha Slamovich & Killer Kelly

Digital Media Title Match
Joe Hendry (c) vs. Kenny King (Pre Show)

Frankie Kazarian vs. Eddie Edwards

6 Person Tag Team Match
Death Dollz (Courtney Rush & Jessicka) & Jody Threat vs. Gisele Shaw, Savannah Evans & Jai Vidal (Pre Show)