Julia Hart Looks Back At Her Pre-Wrestling Life As A Cheerleader

(Photo Credit: AEW)

Everyone had a past before entering the pro wrestling business.

For Julia Hart, her past was working as a cheerleader.

During a recent appearance on The Five Count, the TBS Women’s Champion spoke about making the transition from cheerleading to wrestling, where she started in a cheerleader role alongside The Varsity Blonds before switching to a darker persona as part of The House of Black.

“I think I did the cheerleader just because it was easy and I had been a cheerleader for six years,” she said. “‘Oh, it’ll be easy.’ It was actually really hard for me to translate cheerleading into wrestling because they are two different things.”

Hart continued, “It was like hitting heads for me, character-wise. Being with Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Matthews, it helped me develop a wrestler side instead of trying so hard to be a cheerleader.”

Check out the complete interview at TheFiveCount.com. H/T to Fightful.com for transcribing the above quotes.