Liv Morgan Discusses How She Regained Her Confidence When She Returned From Injury

WWE Women’s World Champion and Judgment Day member Liv Morgan spoke with US Magazine on a number of topics related to pro wrestling, including dealing with insecurities during her time in the company.

Morgan said, “It’s weird because it was such a mixture of confidence and insecurity at the same time. I had so much hope and belief in myself that I’d reach this moment, but at the same time, I secretly never felt good enough for it either. It was a really weird dichotomy of believing that’s where I’ll be, but also like, ‘Maybe I’m not good enough to get there.’ It was a battle for a lot of my career.”

On regaining her confidence when she returned from injury:

“It wasn’t until I came back from my injury this past year that I went from like, ‘I’m lucky to be here’ to ‘I’m that bitch.’ I don’t know what that switch was. I think that was my big realization in my time off. For the last 10 years of my life, I’ve been Liv Morgan. Those are my formative, growing, stepping into my womanhood years. I had been so fixated on what I was doing in my career that I don’t think I paid enough attention to myself, my wants, my needs, my hobbies, my interests, my likes, my dislikes. It wasn’t until I had those months off where I only had to be myself.”