Ludwig Kaiser On Randy Orton: “To Me, He Is The Absolute Very Best”

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE star Ludwig Kaiser spoke with Sportskeeda on a number of topics including WWE legend “The Viper” Randy Orton.

Kaiser said, “Looking back at the King of the Ring, Randy Orton, against “The Ring General” GUNTHER, Moments like this really shows you it’s so special to be a part of this right now. Whether you’re a fan or actively in the ring, it is just such a special right now. People in decades from now are gonna look back to this era and gonna say, ‘Wow, what happened back there?’ Everybody was so lucky to be part of this, and that’s exactly how I feel about it. Somebody like Randy Orton definitely, to me, would be somebody that would be so special to me. To me, the absolute, very, very best. Probably ever. Such a legend to me, and definitely always somebody I looked up to, even when I was a teenager. I always knew I wanted to do this, so definitely always somebody I was looking forward to meet eventually and get to see and actually learn from, and all of those things.”

On how currenly his focus is on another legend in “The Celtic Warrior” Sheamus:

“But obviously, right now, my focus is on another legend, that is Sheamus. Absolutely legendary career, absolutely legendary WWE superstar. But it is my turn right now exactly to knock on the door of those legends and show that I’m here and show that there is a reason that I’m here. Yeah, that this is just the beginning, so all the legends on the entire WWE roster, they will have to look out for Ludwig Kaiser because he’s coming.”

You can check out Kaiser’s comments in the video below.