Mark Henry Believes Current In-Ring Storytelling Lacks The Struggle

AEW star Mark Henry recently appeared on an episode of the Six Feet Under podcast to talk about a number of topics including how the current in-ring storytelling lacks the struggle.

Henry said, “I watch it and it hurts. The number one thing that people don’t do in wrestling is the struggle. I was taught the struggle in wrestling… I know what’s going to happen with most matches because they don’t disguise it, they don’t allow you to go into a blind belief, a suspended belief to where you don’t see it.”

On his approach to storytelling:

“I should be able to pick up every human in the ring but there’s a time when you’re not supposed to. So now I got to, you know, go punch at somebody and hit the pole and now my hand hurt and I now I try to pick him, I can’t pick him up; it’s the storytelling of where you go in match.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.