NJPW Star Says He Never Felt The Need To Wrestle Bryan Danielson

(Photo Credit: AEW)

NJPW star Tetsuya Naito spoke with Sports Illustrated on a number of topics including how he liked watching Bryan Danielson wrestle, but he never felt the need to wrestle Danielson in a match.

Naito said, “Back in the day when he wrestled in NJPW, I’d watch his matches on TV and in the buildings.” “I liked watching him, but I never really felt that I’d like to wrestle him.”

If he was interested in inviting Danielson into his faction Los Ingobernables de Japon:

“Invite him to LIJ?” “That is an easy answer. No gracias.”

The possibility of the Blackpool Combat Club squaring off against Los Ingobernables de Japon:

“I don’t really know about the state of wrestling in other countries, so I don’t know if that’s an attractive match, but if it were a question of us challenging them, of course they would accept. There is no more attractive competition in the world than Los Ingobernables de Japon.”