Shelton Benjamin Says Bobby Lashley Is Extremely Generous With Everyone In The Ring

(Photo Credit: WWE)

Pro wrestling veteran Shelton Benjamin appeared on an episode of the Kurt Angle Show, where he talked about a number of topics including how WWE star “The All Mighty” Bobby Lashley is extremely generous with every single person he steps in the ring with.

Benjamin said, “Bobby Lashley, extremely generous in the ring, to a fault. There were times we would be putting together matches and guys would suggest things to do with Bobby, and Bobby is nice. Bobby is like, ‘Yeah, sure.’ That’s when me or Cedric or MVP would step up and go…we understood where Vince was trying to get Bobby and we would go, ‘No, no. You can do that with me, you can do that with him. You can’t do that to Bobby.’ We were protecting Bobby even when Bobby wouldn’t protect himself. When Bobby was willing to do business, we were like. ‘No. We know where they’re trying to get you.’ Everybody was working to help everybody else.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.