AEW Dynamite Review – February 7, 2024

AEW Dynamite Review – February 7, 2024

AEW World Title #1 Contenders Match
Swerve Strickland vs. Hangman Page

Swerve Strickland & Hangman Page have a face 2 face as the bell rings then they spend a couple of minutes circling and locking up with each other.

Strickland gets smacked by Page and tackles him before they quickly take it outside as Strickland whips Page over the barricade and leaps onto him.

They take it back inside as Strickland stays in control by knocking Page down with a big boot and keeping him in the corner with stomps.

Page comes back with a fallaway slam and sweeps Strickland off the ropes before mounting him with punches.

Page sends Strickland onto the apron where he hits on the back of the neck before sending him flying into the ring post.

Page keeps attacking Strickland on the outside before sending him into the barricade before hitting a fallaway slam on the outside.

Back inside Page attacks Strickland in the corner with chops but Strickland is able to turn it against him.

They go back & forth a bit until Page hits a back body drop to Strickland to the outside but misses the Orihari moonsault.

Strickland comes right back by leaping over the ropes with a moonsault to Page.

Strickland continues with suplexes and House Call then a cover but Page kicks out at two.

They fight on the ropes as Strickland almost lands on his head before Page comes back with a Liger Bomb for a two count.

Strickland is able to dodge a Buckshot Lariat and hits one of his own followed by Swerve Stomp for a two count.

They take it back outside as Strickland tries a piledriver on the barricade just for Page to reverse it with a DDT as we go to picture in picture.

After the break they both go after each other and knock each other down with boots.

Strickland starts laughing as they start trading punches but Strickland stops it with a backbreaker for a two count.

Strickland traps Page on a tree of woe but on the outside of the ring where he hits him with Swerve Stomp. Page tries to get out of the way and lays on the table but it collapses down.

Strickland goes and gets another table and sets it up before trying a 450 Splash but Page gets his knees up for a two count as we hear a 5 minute warning from Justin Roberts.

Page comes back with a lariat before hitting Buckshot Lariat but Strickland is able to put his foot on the bottom rope. Page hits Dead Eye on the apron as Strickland collapses to the outside.

Prince Nana starts doing his dance over Strickland to motivate him to go back inside which he does before the 10 count but Page dropkicks him right back outside and goes to hit him with a chair but ends up taking out Nana instead.

Swerve kicks the chair right into Page’s face then sends him back inside and hits another Swerve Stomp but buckles his ankle on the landing then goes for JML Driver but Page escapes and snaps Strickland’s ankle.

They go to the apron but Strickland fights Page off and puts him right through the table with Dead Eye of his own.

Strickland sends Page back inside and tries another Swerve Stomp but Page dodges it as Strickland lands right on his hurt ankle again.

Swerve blocks a Buckshot Lariat attempt and hits JML Driver but as Strickland goes to cover Page the time expires.

Winner & #1 Contender To The AEW World Title: No One (Time Limit Draw) (30:00) (Recommend)

After the match Strickland gets on the mic and says he wants 5 more minutes. Page responds that Strickland had to beat him to be the #1 contender and he didn’t do it. Page says Strickland won’t be AEW World Champion and now it’s over. Tony Schiavone gets on the mic and says Tony Khan told him that this is not done, and since we have 2 #1 Contenders & it will now be a Triple Threat match at Revolution.

After the break Renee Paquette is with AEW World Champion Samoa Joe and asks him what his reaction is about the match being a Triple Threat match now. Joe says he can’t believe he is dealing with this and none of those men deserve to be in a ring with him but the powers that be don’t want him as their champion. Joe says despite your best efforts no matter what you do he will walk out Revolution as a AEW World Champion and it’s a shame his opponents will suffer because of it.

Non Title Match
Women’s Champion Toni Storm vs. Red Velvet

If Red Velvet wins she gets a Women’s Title Match.

Toni Storm & Red Velvet starts this match with wrist control before Storm takes Velvet down with a side headlock takeover.

Storm follows with a sit out powerbomb for a two count as we go to picture in picture.

After the break Velvet takes Storm down with a bulldog and knees to the back before hitting a standing moonsault press for two.

Storm trips up Velvet sending her face first into the corner before hitting a hip attack and a DDT for a two count.

Storm dodges a corkscrew kick and puts on an ankle lock while staring down Deonna Purrazzo as Velvet taps out.

Winner By Submission: Women’s Champion Toni Storm

After the match Storm refuses to let go of the hold before Purrazzo joins the ring & they have a face off with Storm smelling Purrazzo but Luther gets in between them to break them up as Storm leaves with Mariah May & Luther.

Backstage Renee Paquette is with Best Friends as Trent Beretta says it’s weird that International Champion Orange Cassidy is wrestling Tomohiro Ishii this Saturday on Collision. Paquette asks if Cassidy is worried that they have to fight Undisputed Kingdom first on Friday and he says he’s not worried. Paquette asks for an update on Chuck Taylor as Cassidy says they will go check on him now.

Trios Match
Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli, Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley) vs. Mascara Dorada, Hechicero & Volador Jr

Bryan Danielson & Hechicero starts the match with them taking it to the mat right away as Hechicero leaves Danielson with a confused face after he pretzels him up.

Claudio Castagnoli & Mascara Dorada tag in next as Dorada sends Castagnoli to the outside with headscissors.

Volador Jr & Jon Moxley go at it next with Volador sending Moxley to the outside where he meets him with a tope suicida.

Both teams start fighting on the outside before the referee has to split them apart.

Back inside Moxley sends Volador to the outside and hits him with a tope suicida himself as they all start brawling again going picture in picture.

After the break Castagnoli hits a Giant Swing on Volador before Moxley comes in and starts stomping away at him.

Dorada tags in and starts going at both Moxley & Danielson before taking Castagnoli to the outside with a spinning headscissors as well before Hechicero & Volador hit dives to the outside.

Dorada follows with a Shooting Star Press to them off the middle rope.

Dorada, Hechicero & Volador stay in control before Dorada hits a 450 Splash on Danielson, which gets broken up by Moxley & Castagnoli.

Both teams start going at it including a Busaiku Knee to Volador from Danielson before Hechicero takes him out with a springboard shoulder block.

Hechicero & Castagnoli start trading kicks and punches before Hechicero starts twisting up Castagnoli.

Danielson breaks it up with stomps but Hechicero starts twisting Danielson up next with a Stretch Muffler.

Both teams go at it again before Hechicero hits a Guillotine leg drop on Castagnoli for a two count.

Castagnoli pushes Hechicero into the referee and uses this distraction to hit a low blow on Hechicero before rolling him up for the win.

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club (Recommend)

After the match Mistico, Star Jr & Esfinge run in the ring but Matt Sydal, Christopher Daniels, Angelo Parker & Matt Menard run into the ring.

We go to the back and we see Chuck Taylor is being attacked by The Undisputed Kingdom as Adam Cole tells him to get well soon.

We go to Tony Khan in the back with his big announcement who talks about being excited and brings up AEW returning to Boston at TD Garden on March 13th and calls it an important night as it will be called Big Business and calls it one of the most important nights in AEW history and one that everybody will remember.

Chris Jericho vs. Konosuke Takeshita

Chris Jericho & Konosuke Takeshita starts this match testing each other with shoulder blocks before Jericho sends Takeshita to the outside with a clothesline as Don Callis gets right in his face and smacks him to get into it.

Jericho attacks Takeshita from behind but he’s able to reverse it and whip Jericho into the barricade.

Takeshita keeps it going with a brainbuster on the outside before sending Jericho back inside and hitting him with a senton.

Powerhouse Hobbs trips up Jericho causing Takeshita to take advantage but Sammy Guevara runs down and hits Hobbs with a chair which doesn’t phase him.

Hobbs tries to go after Guevara but he takes him out with a cutter off the steel steps before going after him with a chair again.

Jericho takes Takeshita to the outside then puts on Takeshita’s mask and dives onto him on the outside as we go to picture in picture.

After the break Takeshita in control by hitting Jericho with a dropkick that has him whiplash against the ropes before diving onto Jericho on the outside.

Inside Jericho comes back with a Lionsault but Takeshita is able to get his knees up.

They go back & forth before Takeshita is able to deadlift Jericho up into a German suplex.

Takeshita runs the ropes before Jericho stops him with a Codebreaker for a two count.

Jericho tries another Lionsault but Takeshita grabs him and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count.

Jericho starts attacking Takeshita in the corner with the 10 punches but Takeshita slips out and hits an avalanche Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count.

Jericho is able to dodge the knee from Takeshita and puts on Lion Tamer but Callis interferes and stabs Jericho with a screwdriver.

Takeshita puts the Lion Tamer on himself a the ref does the 3 arm rise spot but Jericho gets his arm up at the 3rd before he taps out.

Winner By Submission: Konosuke Takeshita

AEW World Tag Team Titles Tornado Tag Team Match
Ricky Starks & Big Bill (c) vs. Darby Allin & Sting

Both teams brawling to start the match as Sting & Ricky Starks take it into the crowd right away as Sting keeps pushing Starks into the barricades.

We see Big Bill walking through the crowd as well with Darby Allin on his back.

Bill & Starks are attacking Allin by an entrance way as we see Sting on top of it before he dives onto Bill & Starks before we go to picture in picture.

After the break Starks & Allin are in the ring and as Allin tries to dive onto Bill on the outside but he catches him right into a spinning Bossman slam.

Bill slams Allin down after a chokeslam before tossing him backward to the other side of the ring. Bill sets up a table but Sting is able to dodge him in the ropes.

Starks stops Sting with a Scorpion Death Drop then a cover but Allin breaks it up.

Sting hits Bill with a pair of Stinger Splashes as Allin hits Code Red on Bill then Allin takes out Bill on the outside with a Coffin Drop as Sting dodges a dropkick from Starks and puts on the Scorpion Deathlock.

Bill gets back into the ring with Allin on his back but Allin pushes Bill off the apron onto the table on the outside.

Starks tries to grab the bottom rope and eventually breaks out of the move as Starks dodges Sting in the corner with Sting going right into the exposed turnbuckle.

Starks looks conflicted but hits a spear on Sting then a cover but Sting kicks out at two.

Sting blocks another spear attempt and hits Scorpion Death Drop to get the win.

Winners & New AEW World Tag Team Champions: Darby Allin & Sting (NEW CHAMPIONS!!!)

After the match Sting’s sons join their dad & Allin in the ring to celebrate but Young Bucks enter the ring and attack them all with bats as Allin is busted open and the blood is all over Young Bucks white outfits before they take out Allin with the EVP Trigger then Young Bucks stand in the middle of the ring as Allin, Sting and his 2 sons are laid out in a pool of blood and confetti to lose out this week’s Dynamite.

Friday’s Rampage

Trios Match
Best Friends (International Champion Orange Cassidy, Trent Beretta & Rocky Romero) vs. Undisputed Kingdom (Roderick Strong, Mike Bennett & Matt Taven)

Tag Team Match
Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) vs. Mondo Rox & Robbie Lit

Mistico vs. Matt Sydal

Tag Team Match
The Outcasts (Saraya & Ruby Soho) vs. Willow Nightingale & Kris Statlander

Saturday’s Collision

International Title Match
Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Tomohiro Ishii

Tag Team Match
Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Jon Moxley) vs. Esfinge & Star Jr

Updated Revolution Card (March 3rd)

Tag Team Match
AEW World Tag Team Champions Darby Allin & Sting vs. TBD

International Title Match
Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Roderick Strong

AEW World Title Triple Threat Match
Samoa Joe (c) vs. Swerve Strickland vs. Hangman Page

Women’s Title Match
Toni Storm (c) vs. Deonna Purrazzo