AEW Dynamite Review – July 12, 2023

AEW Dynamite Review – July 12, 2023

Chris Jericho vs. Komander

Match starts off with Chris Jericho corners Komander and starts chopping away. Komander starts bouncing on the ropes and sends Jericho to the outside with a clothesline before diving onto him with a tornado. Komander keeps on the attack on the outside before springboarding into a forearm by Jericho once they go back inside.

Jericho goes for the pin with 1 foot on the chest for one count Komander comes back with a flurry of kicks but Jericho catches him with a hip toss sending Komander to the outside as we go to picture in picture.

After the break Jericho stops Komander with 2 back 2 back powerbombs but misses the Lionsault as Komander turns it into a Magistral Cradle for a two count. Jericho stops Komander with a big lariat before knocking him down off the top rope. They fight on the top rope for a while before Komander knocks Jericho down then runs the ropes and hits a shooting star press for two count.

They fight on the apron, but Komander dodges as Jericho goes crashing to the outside. Komander runs the ropes from the other side of the ring and dives onto Jericho on the outside. Komander comes right back with an Phoenix Splash off the ropes but Jericho kicks out at two.

Komander tries to jump off the top rope but Jericho stops him with a Codebreaker for a two count then Komander tries to springboard off the ropes again but Jericho catches him and puts him in the Liontamer until Komander taps out.

Winner By Submission: Chris Jericho

After the match Don Callis comes out and tells Jericho what a hell of a match he had and brings up how high of a rating their segment got last week. Callis talks about how they used to be part of a faction led by their mentor Bad News Allen and put together a surprise for Jericho. We see footage of Callis & Jericho from back then as Jericho & Callis are commentating over it. Callis says they were like like a couple of Gods. Jericho says he remembers this back in 1995 and brings up how he still has all his hair but Callis doesn’t. Callis says they didn’t keep their promise of staying together but Allen is up there in heaven with a smile on his face just at the possibility of Jericho joining the Don Callis Family and says in his heart Jericho knows what Allen would want his answer to be.

Backstage Alex Marvez is next to a car that he says Jack Perry refuses to get out of. Perry pops his head out the window and says this is an unsafe work environment. We see FTW Champion Hook inside who attacks Perry before being kicked out and tells Perry Keep running Perry.

Backstage Renee Paquette is with Don Callis and asks him for a reaction about what happened with Chris Jericho. Callis says later tonight he will go out to the ring by himself and announce the 5th member of the Blackpool Combat Club to face The Elite at Blood & Guts. Paquette asks if he’s concerned about Kenny Omega but Callis says if there is one guy he’s not afraid of it’s Omega because he showed his real colors when he betrayed his family and Omega will be hiding behind the skirts of the Young Bucks.

We see another team bonding session with AEW World Champion MJF & Adam Cole having shots at a bar. MJF says Cole hasn’t been a team player as he still isn’t wearing their shirt and Cole said he lost it and he’s not bullshitting him about it. We see 4 ladies walk past them as MJF says 2 for him, 2 for Cole and he could make these cameras go away but Cole says he really loves Britt Baker and he wouldn’t do that. MJF says 4 more for daddy and leaves with them & when MJF comes back Cole makes a confession that he never lost the shirt and he will put it on if they do what Cole wants next. Cole whispers something in his ear as they cut to them playing AEW Fight Forever in a hotel room. MJF says he doesn’t want to play until Cole talks about how good MJF’s stats are. MJF admits this is kind of fun especially when he has a buddy playing with him. MJF admits to never playing a multi player game before and says You need friends for that. Cole says when they were forced to be a tag team, he had every intention of blindsiding him as MJF admits he was going to do the same thing. Cole says MJF is pretty cool and MJF says the same and says they should go win the AEW World Tag Team Titles as they celebrate after winning the AEW World Tag Team Titles in the video game.

Semi Final Match Of The AEW World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament 
International Champion Orange Cassidy & Darby Allin vs. Jericho Appreciation Society (Daniel Garica & Sammy Guevara)

Orange Cassidy & Sammy Guevara starts the match off with them both mocking each other’s taunts. Darby Allin tags in as he & Guevara share a handshake before Daniel Garcia tries to get involved just to get a dive from Allin on the outside.

Allin tries to springboard off the ropes but gets stopped by Garcia then catches Cassidy and sends him into the barricade. Garcia gets in the match and goes after Allin before they head to picture in picture break.

After the break JAS are in command before Allin hits a Code Red on Guevara not realizing Garcia was tagged in. Garcia & Cassidy got at it in the corner before Cassidy hits a top rope crossbody then they run the ropes a bit before Cassidy hits a Michinoku Driver for a two count.

Garcia is able to put on the Dragon Tamer but let’s go to attack Allin as he was coming in the ring. Cassidy & Allin hits back 2 back stunners before Cassidy hits a DDT that Guevara breaks up the count for. Cassidy hits Beach Break on Garcia until they go back & forth with pin attempts.

Garcia takes out Cassidy on the apron as Allin & Guevara go inside the ring. Guevara stops Allin with a knee strike but misses a Shooting Star Press. Prince Nana makes his way down to the ring and tells Garcia to use Allin skateboard against Cassidy.

The referee gets involved as Swerve Strickland runs out and takes out Allin on the apron with House Call then Guevara follows with GTH on Allin to get the victory.

Winners: Jericho Appreciation Society

We get another video package on Nick Wayne showing him training and talking about how he learned to wrestle from his father and finding out from his mother that his father passed away. He talks about wanting to continue the family legacy and how he keeps getting asked if he’s ready for the pressure of wrestling on national television and he says he’s been ready his entire life and knew professional wrestling was meant for him.

We go backstage where Renee Paquette is trying to get a word with Adam Cole but he’s trying to have a conversation with Britt Baker on the phone. Roderick Strong in his neck brace walks in and asks Cole if he’s starting to like MJF. Cole tells Strong to trust him before getting a text message from MJF saying after bumping into Brian Cage backstage how he’s now got the flu. Cole walks off and calls MJF telling him that he’s not sick.

Semi Final Match Of The AEW World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament 
AEW World Champion MJF & Adam Cole vs. Brian Cage & Big Bill

MJF starts a body slam chant as he tries to body slam Big Bill to start the match but fails and tags out to Adam Cole before he starts heading to the back. Cole goes and stops him and enters the ring where Brian Cage starts doing push ups as Cole does the same in return.

MJF goes to body slam Bill again and fails again as Bill tells MJF he needs to do some push ups. MJF starts to but Bill kicks him before kicking Cole off the apron before Bill starts doing push ups before they head to picture in picture.

After the PIP Break Bill rips up MJF’s shirt and wipes himself with it which gets MJF really upset by biting Bill’s hand in a chokeslam attempt and finally hits the body slam before MJF is able to make the hot tag to Cole. MJF calls for the double clothesline but they are unable to hit it as Bill takes them both out.

Bill goes to chokeslam them both but they escape and take down Bill with double super kicks before getting double clotheslined down by Cage. Cage picks up both Cole & MJF by hitting them with a double fallaway slam before MJF hits Cage with Heatseeker followed by The Boom by Cole to get the win.

Winners: AEW World Champion MJF & Adam Cole (He will face Jericho Appreciation Society in the Finals)

After the match they get on the mic after as MJF asks if there are any Devil Worshippers in the house tonight. We get a Satan chant as MJF says he is super over before telling Cole to do the thing as Cole does his pose. MJF says that a double clothesline is coming as the crowd chants for it. Cole brings up how he didn’t think this team would work but not only do they work but they are doing pretty damn good and has high expectations on winning this Blind Eliminator tournament and when they do win it, they’ll get a shot at the AEW World Tag Team Titles and you’re looking at the next AEW World Tag Team Champions. They end it by saying We are better than you bay bay.

Backstage Renee Paquette is with Jake Hager as Hager walks into Chris Jericho’s locker room and asks him if he’s seriously considering joining Don Callis. Jericho says he doesn’t know as Callis is making a lot of good points and he needs some time. Hager takes off his purple hat and says they got history too and brings up saving his life 10 years ago in Abu Dhabi and 4 years ago Jericho brought Hager into AEW. Hager says he deserves to know and until Jericho is straight with him he can’t give him a 100. Hager hands the purple hat to Jericho and walks away.

Semi Final Match Of The 2023 Women’s Owen Hart Cup
Ruby Soho vs. Skye Blue

Match begins with Ruby Soho connects with a smack and knocks Skye Blue down but Blue comes back with her own smack before they start fighting on the apron but right away Women’s Champion Toni Storm gets on the apron allowing Soho to start choking out Blue.

They start fighting on the apron before Blue drops Soho right on her face. Storm sends Blue right into the ring steps which causes the referee to eject Storm & Saraya. Soho continues the attack on Blue on the outside before they go to picture in picture.

After the break Blue is in control and hits a neckbreaker for a two count then Blue goes crashing into the rope as Soho tries to take control. Blue tries Code Blue but Soho holds on to the rope and turns it into a Half Crab before Blue grabs the bottom rope.

They fight on the top rope as Soho catches Blue right into No Future to score the win.

Winner: Ruby Soho 

We go to QTV backstage where they show the world premiere of Rap Class by Harley Cameron. We get a rap video from Cameron talking about QTV before dissing The Acclaimed. We go back to QTV where QT Marshall says the song is already climbing up the charts and he’s lost for words.

Swerve Strickland vs. Nick Wayne

Match starts off with Nick Wayne with some quick offense before turning his back on Swerve Strickland before Wayne comes back with a fisherman’s suplex for a two count then hey start fighting on the apron as Wayne hits a hurricanrana before they head to picture in picture.

After the break they are on the top rope as Darby Allin makes his way down to encourage Wayne who hits a top rope Poisonrana and Wayne’s World then goes for the cover but Strickland is able to put his foot on the rope to stop the pin count.

Strickland stops Wayne off the top rope with a powerbomb followed by House Call for another two count then a bit more back & forth before Strickland hits JML Driver for the win.

Winner: Swerve Strickland

Don Callis comes out and says he has something to say and is there to make a very important announcement and announce the 5th member of Blackpool Combat Club at Blood & Guts. Callis starts talking about the real Kenny Omega being a coward and a punk which prompts Omega to make his way out but he gets attacked by Jon Moxley & Konosuke Takeshita. PAC makes his return and attacks Omega from behind with a chair prompting commentary to ask if he’s the 5th member of Blackpool Combat Club for Blood & Guts. They all keep attacking Omega before PAC gets on the mic and says Omega has no idea how long he’s been waiting for this when Omega shattered his nose bone and extorted him for his championship. PAC admits he’s the 5th member and now Omega will pay the price. They put the chair on Omega’s neck as PAC gets on the top rope about to jump. Moxley asks if Omega has any final words, as Omega tells them to check the screen where it’s revealed that Kota Ibushi is the 5th member of The Golden Elite when we go back to the ring, Adam Page & Young Bucks run in to help Omega. Page says this Wednesday they finish this once and for all. Omega gets on the mic and says Don Callis will never win this battle and next week, he’s going to find out the hard way that barbed wire and skewers are nothing compared to what they will do to them and when all five of them are done that’s when Omega is coming for Callis.

Finals Of The AEW World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament (July 19th)
Jericho Appreciation Society (Daniel Garica & Sammy Guevara) vs. AEW World Champion MJF & Adam Cole

Friday’s Rampage (Spoilers)

Tag Team Match
Naturally Limitless (Dustin Rhodes & Keith Lee) vs. Jericho Appreciation Society (Matt Menard & Angelo Parker)

Taya Valkyrie vs. Izzy McQueen

Lance Archer vs. Trent Beretta

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Mentallo

Semi Final Match Of The 2023 Women’s Owen Hart Cup
Willow Nightingale vs. Athena

Saturday’s Collision (Spoilers)

Finals Of The 2023 Owen Hart Cup
CM Punk vs. Ricky Starks

Finals Of The 2023 Women’s Owen Hart Cup
Ruby Soho vs. Willow Nightingale

AEW World Tag Team Titles 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match
FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) (c) vs. Bullet Club Gold (Jay White & Juice Robinson)

Battle Of The Belts 7 Card (July 15th) (Spoilers)

TNT Title Match
Luchasaurus (c) vs. Shawn Spears

Women’s Title Match
Toni Storm (c) vs. Taya Valkyrie

International Title Match
Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Lance Archer

Wednesday’s Dynamite

Blood & Guts Match
The Golden Elite (Kenny Omega, Hangman Page, Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson & Kota Ibushi) vs. Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta), Konosuke Takeshita & PAC

Finals Of The AEW World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament
Jericho Appreciation Society (Daniel Garica & Sammy Guevara) vs. AEW World Champion MJF & Adam Cole