Roderick Strong Says He Wore The Same Neck Brace During His “Neck Strong” Storyline

AEW star Roderick Strong recently spoke with Alicia Atout on a number of topics including how he wore the same neck brace week in and week out during his “neck strong” storyline.

Strong said, “The funny thing, too, as much as I wore it, it still doesn’t stink. That’s what I find funny. [It was the same one] every single time. It smells like roses. [Atout says you’d think it would smell horrible].”

He also talked about how the neck brace did not smell bad even though he wore it each and every time after he wrestled.

“Yeah, and especially because I wore it after I wrestled, just sweaty neck juice in there, but no, I guess I got lucky [laughs] It’s disgusting also.”

You can check out Strong’s comments in the video below.

(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)